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Главная » 2016 » Февраль » 4 » Контрольная работа по английскому языку 8 класс за II полугодие ФГОС
Контрольная работа по английскому языку 8 класс за II полугодие ФГОС
Open the brackets (18 points):

1. If he (devour) books as I do, he (be) a well-read person. 2. If the pupils (do) away with the bad habit of whispering at the lesson, they (study) better. 3. If his temper (be) not so filthy, he (have) a lot of friends. 4. If you (point) the telescope at the deer on the hill, you (see) some baby deer among them. 5. If Tom (be) polite, he (not stare) at strangers. 6. If the theatre (stage) a new play, a lot of people (come) to watch the performance. 7. If Mary (play) the leading part, she (take) a lot of curtain calls. 8. If Ann (want) to take part in the competition, she (win) the first prize. 9. If Mr White (train) the team for the competition, it (not lose or draw) the game.

II. Fill in the gaps with the right item a, b, c or d (10 points):

If we didn’t have to study, we ………. out tonight.

could have gone b) went c) go d) could go

If I ………. the time I would go to the aerobics class with you.

had had b) had c) have d) would have

If we ………. that you were there we would have written a letter to you.

didn’t know b) wouldn’t have known c) had known d) hadn’t known

If I ………. a pay, I would not have looked for another job.

had got b) got c) would have got d) hadn’t got

If he ……….in a hurry, he wouldn’t have spilled the milk.

weren’t b) isn’t c) hadn’t been d) wouldn’t have been

If the firemen ……….in time, they couldn’t have saved the house.

had arrived b) arrived c) didn’t arrive d) hadn’t arrived

If you had invited him, he ………. .

came b) didn’t come c) would have come d) comes

If I ………. you I would study computers.

had been b) were c) hadn’t been d) weren’t

If they were poor they ………. a new dishwasher.

bought b) didn’t buy c) wouldn’t buy d) wouldn’t have bought

If she ………. this book she would like it.

read b) would read c) have read d) didn’t read

III. Open the brackets (30 points):

All children, except one, (1. grow) up. They soon know that some day they (2. grow) up. This is how it (3. happen) to Wendy. One day when she (4. play) in a garden, she (5. pick) up a flower and (6. run) with it to her mother. At that moment she (7. look) so pretty that Mrs Darling (8. cry), “Oh, why can’t you be a little girl forever!” Since that moment on Wendy (9. know) that she must (10. grow) up.

Her mother was a lovely lady, with a romantic mind. This is how Mr Darling (11. win) her. At one point a lot of gentlemen discovered that they (12. fall) in love with her, and they all (13. come) to her house (14. propose) to her except Mr Darling, who (15. take) a cab and (16. arrive) at her place first, and so he get her. He (18. be) one of those clever ones who (19. know) all about money. And the way he (20. speak) about money was such that it (21. can) make any woman (22. respect) him.

For a week or two after Wendy (23. be) born her parents (24. be) doubtful whether they (25. be) able to keep her. Mr Darling (26. sit) on the edge of his wife’s bed (27. hold) and (28. calculate) expenses. She (29. want) to risk it, but that (30. be) not his way; his way (31. be) with a pencil and a piece of paper.

IV. Insert the prepositions in, up, on, for, from, from behind, to (11 points):

1. How do you buy seats … a play or an opera? 2. When a performance begins the curtain goes … . 3. In winter, autumn and spring people leave their coats and hats … the cloakroom. 4. Our seats are … the front stalls. 5. Let’s shake hands … the bargain. 6. The apple dropped … the tree … the ground. 7. Laughter and applause came … … the door. 8. Let me introduce John … you. 9. Jack made a good impression … my parents. 10. Sarah searched … “Collins Dictionary of Idioms” in the town bookshops and found it at last.

Критерии оценивания результатов: за каждый правильный ответ учащиеся получают 1 балл. Максимальное количество баллов - 69.

Успешность выполнения работы определяется следующим образом:

63-69 баллов - «5» (отлично)

52-62 балла – «4» (хорошо)

41-51 балл – «3» (удовлетворительно)

40 и менее баллов – «2» (неудовлетворительно)


Раскрыть скобки (сослагательное наклонение):

devoured, would be
did away, would study
were not, would have
pointed, would see
were polite, would not stare
staged, would come
played, would take
wanted, would win
trained, would not lose or draw

Дополнить пропуски, выбрав правильный вариант ответа:

1. d

2. b

3. c

4. a

5. c

6. d

7. c

8. b

9. c

10. a

Раскрыть скобки, употребив правильную форму глагола:

grow 2.will grow 3.happen 4.was playing 5.picked 6.ran 7.looked 8.cried 9.knew 10.grow up 11.won 12.had fallen 13.came 14.to propose 15.took 16.arrived 18.was 19.knew 20.spoke 21.could 22.respect 23.was 24.were 25.would be 26.sat 27.holding 28.calculating 29.wanted 30.was 31.was

Вставить предлоги:

1.for 2.up 3.in 4.in 5.on 6.from, on 7.from behind 8.to 9.on 10.for
Категория: Контрольные работы | Просмотров: 263 | Добавил: evgeniyhamov | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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