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Главная » 2016 » Февраль » 4 » Контрольная работа по английскому языку 10 класс за 2 четверть с ответами
Контрольная работа по английскому языку 10 класс за 2 четверть с ответами
Fill in: tradition, policy, stroll, concept, support, honour, priority, child.

My schoolwork is my top ____ .
We like to exchange gifts on New Year’s day. It’s a family _____ .
I can’t understand the _____ behind this machine. What is it supposed to do?
It is a great _____ for me to be a part of your research team.
After we did the washing up, we went for a _____ in the park.
My husband is an only _____ . He has no brothers or sisters.
We’re sorry! You cannot use the Internet during work hours. It’s our company’s _____ .
Without my husband’s _____, I wouldn’t have made it in the fashion business.

Underline the correct item.

My brother is very sensitive/stubborn. He never listens to anybody.
I wanted to become a lawyer but I’m too moody/shy.
She has beautiful almond-shaped/shoulder-length eyes.
Clara likes to wear formal/casual clothes, like jeans and T-shirts.
I have very dry/freckled skin, especially in winter.
Samantha used to be very overweight/skinny. Now that she has put on some weight, she looks much better.
Don’t be so aggressive/pessimistic! Everything will turn out just fine in the end.
Our boss is confident/impatient that we will have completed the project on time.
I’m definitely the black horse/sheep of the family.
I’m very nervous/grumpy! I hope I do well on my exam.

Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

A: I _____ (see) my aunt tonight.

B: I ____ (see). So you won’t be able to meet us in the afternoon then, will you?

A: Why ____ (you/smell) the milk?

B: I think it ____ (smell) funny. I’m afraid it has gone off.

A: I ____ (think) about joining a gym.

B: I ____ (think) it’s a great idea.

A: Why ____ (Annie/be) so sad today?

B: I really ____ (not/know). She ____ (be) usually in a cheerful mood.

A: Is James all right? He ____ (look) very pale.

B: Yes, I know. I ____ (look) for the doctor’s phone number right now.

A: Why ____ (you/taste) the chicken curry?

B: To see if I need to add more spices. But no, I think it ____ (taste) delicious the way it is.

Complete the gaps with will or be going to in the correct form.

A: Your shirt is dirty.

B: I know. I _____ wash it later.

A: I’m a bit hungry.

B: I _____ make you a sandwich.

A: What are your plans for Saturday night?

B: We _____ invite some friends over for dinner. Would you like to come?

A: The doorbell is ringing.

B: I _____ get it.

A: What are your plans for summer holidays?

B: We _____ travel to Spain. We’ve already booked our tickets.

A: Try not to be late.

B: Don’t worry. I _____ be back by 7:00.
Категория: Контрольные работы | Просмотров: 833 | Добавил: evgeniyhamov | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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