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Главная » 2016 » Февраль » 4 » Контрольная работа по английскому языку 8 класс 3 четверть ФГОС
Контрольная работа по английскому языку 8 класс 3 четверть ФГОС
Underline the word with the same or similar meaning.

to damage

to be out of luck b) to hurt c) to be in trouble

a disaster

danger b) trouble c) luck


an experiment b) an achievement c) an exploration


terrible b) hard c) exciting


Stormy b) foggy c) rainy

Match the words which have opposite meanings.

To prohibit
To protect
To pollute
To throw
To drop litter
To be in danger
To avoid doing something

To damage
To clear rubbish away
To be out of danger
To allow
To enjoy doing something
To clean
To catch

Choose the correct answer.

He … troubled yesterday.

Looked b) is looking c) had looked

They … football from 2 till 5 yesterday.

Played b) were playing c) had played

He … his work by that time.

Finished b) was finishing c) had finished

What … you … at 5 pm yesterday?

Did … do b) were … doing c) had …done

Where … you … your summer holidays?

Did … spend b) were … spending c) had … spent

Fill in “the” if needed.

The official name of the country is … United Kingdom of … Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The country is situated in … British Isles. The two main islands are: … Great Britain (in which are … England, Wales, Scotland) and … Ireland. … United Kingdom is not far from … Europe.

… UK is washed by … Atlantic Ocean in the east and by … North Sea in the west. The highest mountains are in … Scotland and … Wales: … Ben Nevis and … Snowdon. The longest rivers are: … Severn and … River Thames.

Write the sentences in reported speech. Use: explained, suggested, offered, advised, asked, reminded.

“Steve, would you like a cup of tea”, -said Linda.
Ann said to me, “You must leave this terrible house”.
Martin said: “We had a wonderful party yesterday”.
The girl said: “It`s late”.
My brother said: “Help me”.

Write a postcard to your friend and send greetings to him/her on a holiday.
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