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Главная » 2016 » Февраль » 4 » Контрольная работа по английскому языку 8 класс 1 четверть ФГОС
Контрольная работа по английскому языку 8 класс 1 четверть ФГОС
Часть 1

Прочитай, что некоторые британцы говорят о своих увлечениях.

a) Подбери к текстам заголовки. Один заголовок лишний.

1) We are very fond of having picnics. On Sundays our family goes to some nice place in the country. We like to sit in the open air and enjoy nature. It's a pleasure to have lunch in a forest or near the water. We can also play ball or swim if the weather is fine.

2) My best friend and I often go to the discos. We listen to music and dance there. It's fun! Rock is our favourite type of music. And we enjoy listening to jazz.

3) We have two dogs. Their names are Terry and Rex. We love them so much! Every day we take them for a walk in the park. They are so polite and nice when they meet other dogs there. I think they say "Hello!" to them in their dog language.

4) All my friends love sport. Our favourite sports are horse riding, football and swimming. Every school and college has its own football team. We often have sport competitions at our school. It's great when your team wins!

a We are fond of sports.

b British weekend

c How can we spend free time

d Pet lovers

e Most British are nice and polite.

b). Закончи предложения, используя информацию текста.

1). On Sundays the British like____________________________________________________________.

2). They think it's pleasant to______________________________________________________________.

3). Some boys often go to the disco to_______________________________________________________.

4). Many British families keep_____________________________________________________________.

5). They enjoy looking after them and every day they___________________________________________.

6). The most favourite sports among the British are____________________________________________.

7). Most British schools have______________________________________________________________.

Часть 2

Прочитай три отрывка о рабочем дне девочки.

а) Расположи отрывки в таком порядке, чтобы получился рассказ.

1). At one o'clock Ann usually has lunch. After lunch she helps mother about the house. Ann doesn't like to wash the dishes but she enjoys shopping. Sometimes she doesn't remember what her mother told her to buy but she never forgets to buy some milk for her cat.

2). Ann can play the piano very well. Her friends often come to see her in the evening. They enjoy listening to music and sometimes Ann plays or sings for them. They always praise (хвалят) her singing. Sometimes they go out for a walk if the weather is fine and enjoy fresh air and a good company.

3). Ann often goes to bed late and she hates getting up early. Her mornings are very busy. She can't always find her things. She looks for her schoolbag everywhere and at last finds it under the sofa. Sometimes she doesn't have time to eat her breakfast and she is often late for school. I wonder why she never gets bad marks!

b) Отметь буквой Т (true) информацию, соответствующую тексту, и буквой F ( False) – не соответствующую тексту.

1.She is never late for school.

2.She always gets good marks.

3.She goes to bed early.

4.She enjoys shopping.

5.Sometimes she goes for а walk in the evening.

6.She doesn't sing well.

7.She can't find her things in the morning.

8.She always buys milk for her cat.

9.She likes to wash the dishes.

Часть 3

Прочитайте два текста о разных школах и заполните таблицу.

School 1 — Alice

School 2 — Magnus


Number of students

Start and finish time

Favourite subjects


I am Alice. I am in my sitting room at home, talking to my teacher on the radio. Yes, I am at school!

I live in the middle of Australia, a long way from any towns or cities, so I belong to the School of the Air. Students from all over Australia belong to such school. Every day, I start at half past eight. I have two hours of radio lessons and sometimes I watch lessons on TV. After that, I have three hours of homework, then I have free time.

I don't mind going to school in the sitting room — it's fun! I like using the radio. I like Geography because I'm interested in learning about foreign countries and I like talking to my Geography teacher about her visits to Europe, Asia and America. I also like History lessons. Unfortunately, we don't have sport lessons.

I am Magnus. I go to Green Street School in Portland, the USA. We get to school by bus.

Our school is quite big. There are about 1,500 students. I don't mind going to school. The lessons aren't very difficult for me. Our lessons start at half past eight. We usually have five or six 45-minute lessons. I am interested in science and computer studies. I usually get good grades in these subjects and I don't mind having tests in English and Literature.

I like my school. I am good at sport. I like playing ball games, especially baseball, football and basketball. We don't have uniform in our school and we don't study foreign languages. Some schools in Portland teach Spanish and German. I would like to study German.

I usually come home after 3 p.m. and go to the local stadium to play baseball with my friends.
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