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Главная » 2016 » Январь » 28 » Входная контрольная работа по английскому языку 11 класс ФГОС Школа России
Входная контрольная работа по английскому языку 11 класс ФГОС Школа России
I. Four sentences have been removed from the text. (4 marks) Choose from the sentences a–e the one which fits each gap (1–4). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.

In 1887 a new language was invented by Dr. Zamenhof, who was born in Poland. (1)_________. This new language was called Esperanto. (2)_________. Dr. Zamenhof believed that lots of people would speak the new language as a second language. (3)___________.

But the language has not been very popular or successful. (4)__________. Today only a small number of people in the world can speak it.

a. It was a mixture of a number of European languages and it had a very simple grammar.
b. Russia is one of the countries where Esperanto is still alive.
c. He lived a great part of his life in Russia.
d. It was very easy to learn and rich enough to express thoughts and feelings.
e. There are other artificial languages invented by people.

II. Make Sentences by putting the words in order. (6 marks)

1. many, there, How, every, are, everyday, lectures, in, time-table, your?
2. Chinese, the, Many, people, is, world’s, language, think, difficult, that, most.
3. Walt, is, known, well, Disney, the, very, all, world, over.
4. neither, like, books, dull, nor, films, I, dull.
5. people, we, international, all, think, Some, should, speak, language, single, a.
6. this, What, in, there, monument, is, street?

III. Put questions to the words in bold. (5marks)

1. Her father was a teacher of science.
2. After many years of waiting she finally left her native city in 1891.
3. She lived in a bare attic in the poorest quarter of Paris.
4. Her meals were poor.
5. The University of Paris refused him a laboratory.

IV. Complete the text with a, an, the where necessary. (5marks)

There is plenty to see and do in and around Moscow, during (1)____ day and at (2)____ night. Visit (3)_____ Kremlin, (4)____ most famous site in Moscow; walk round (5)_____ busy streets and buy (6)_____ traditional Russian souvenirs. Go to (7)_____ Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts or (8)_____ Tretyakov Gallery. Enjoy your stay in Moscow, it’s (9)_____ great place for (10)____ holiday.

V. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. (5marks) Use only one word in each space.

New Year’s day (1)________ celebrated all over the world, but not always at the (2)_________ time. Our New Year starts (3)_______ 1 January but the Chinese New Year (4)_________ place any time between 21 January and 19 February, depending (5)_______ the year.

VI. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences. (5marks)

1. I’ll phone you when I’ll get home from school. ___________________

2. We’ll go out when it’ll stop raining. ________________________

3. If I know his number, I would phone him. ______________________

4. If you were in my position, what will you do? ____________________

5. I’ll go to Hawaii if I will earn enough money. ____________________

VII. Put the verb into the correct form, active or passive. (12 marks)

Eights Week at Oxford

Eights Week at Oxford, usually the fourth week, in May is a fine spectacle and should not (1)__________ (to miss) by anyone interested in old customs. It is the time when the main bumping races of the year (2)__________ (to hold) and the college eights (3)__________ (to compete) on the River Isis. Races (4)________ (to run) on a league principle, with different divisions. The last race on the last day (5)_______ (to decide) which college is Head of the River. Boats (6)_________ (to space) at intervals, and the object is to catch and bump the one in front. A crew succeeding four days in succession, win their oars (the cox his rudder) – and by ancient custom throw their cox into the river.

Eights – гребные состязания между оксфордскими и кембриджскими студентами
the River is the Thames, but it is mysteriously called the Isis where it flows through Oxford

VIII. Translate the sentences by using appropriate verb tenses and modals. (8marks)

1. Полиция искала преступника два года, прежде чем они смогли поймать его.

2. Я думаю, что он не сможет сделать это вовремя.

3. Если у вас нет компьютера и вы не можете послать сообщение по электронной почте, вы можете написать нам.

4. Могу я поговорить с Келли? – Она не может подойти к телефону прямо сейчас. – Могу я оставить сообщение?

5. Почему ты не пришёл вчера вечером на вечеринку? – Я должен был заниматься. – Тебе следовало прийти. Мы хорошо провели время.

6. Джейн смотрит на свою контрольную работу, которую только что вернул преподаватель. Она улыбается. Должно быть, она сдала тест.

7. Кое-что я должен тебе сказать. – Давай. Я слушаю.

8. У меня проблемы с английским. – Я мог бы помочь тебе.

TOTAL 50 marks


1. c; 2. a; 3. d; 4. b
1. How many lectures are there in your time-table every day?
2. Many people think that Chinese is the world’s most difficult language.
3. Walt Disney is very well known all over the world.
4. I like neither dull books nor dull films.
5 Some people think we should all speak a single international language.
6 What monument is there in this street?
1. Who was the teacher of science?
2. What did she finally do?
3. What kind of quarter of Paris did she live?
4. What was poor?
5. What did the University of Paris do?

IV. 1. the; 2. –; 3. the; 4. the; 5. the; 6. –; 7. the; 8. the; 9. a; 10. a

V. 1. is; 2. same; 3. on; 4. takes; 5. on

VI. 1. …when I get home…; 2. …it stops…; 3. If I knew…; 4. …what would you do; 5. …if I earn…

VII. 1. be missed; 2. are held; 3. compete; 4. are run; 5. decides; 6. are spaced

VIII. 1. The police had been searching for the criminal for two years before they could (were able to)

catch him.

2. I think he won’t be able to do it on time.

3. If you don’t have a computer, and you can’t send a message by e-mail, you may (can) write to us.

4. May/Could/Can I speak to Kelly? – She can’t come to the phone right now. – May/Could I leave a message?

5. Why didn’t you come to the party last night? – I had to study. – You should have come. We had a good time.

6. Jane is looking at her test paper the teacher (has) just returned. She’s smiling. She must have passed the test.

7. There’s something I have to tell you. – Go ahead. I’m listening.

8. I’m having problems in English. – I could try to help you.
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