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Главная » 2016 » Январь » 26 » Школьная олимпиада по английскому языку 9 класс
Школьная олимпиада по английскому языку 9 класс
Part 2


Text 1

Read the text and do the task that follows.______30 min

Culture, Logic, and Rhetoric

Logic, which is the basis of rhetoric, comes from culture; it is not universal.

Rhetoric, therefore, is not universal either but varies from culture to culture. The

rhetorical system of one language is neither better nor worse than the rhetorical

system of another language, but it is different.

English logic and English rhetoric, which are based on Anglo-European cultural pattern, are linear – that is, a good English paragraph begins with a general

statement of its content and then carefully develops that statement with a series of

specific illustrations. A good English paragraph may also use just the reverse

sequence: it may state a whole series of examples and then summarize those

examples in a single statement at the end of the paragraph. In either case, however,

the flow of ideas occurs in a straight line from the opening sentence to the last

sentence. Furthermore, a well-structured English paragraph is never digressive.

There is nothing that does not belong to the paragraph and nothing that does not

support the topic sentence.

A type of construction found in Arabic and Persian writing is very different.

Whereas English writers use a linear sequence, Arabic and Persian writers tend to

construct a paragraph in a parallel sequence using many coordinators such as and

and but. In English, maturity of style is often judged by the degree of subordination rather than by the degree of coordination. Therefore, Arabic and

Persian style of writing, with their emphasis on coordination, seem awkward and

immature to an English reader.

Some Asian writers, on the other hand, use an indirect approach. In this kind of writing, the topic is viewed from a variety of angles. The topic is never analyzed

directly; it is referred to only indirectly. Again, such development in an English

paragraph is awkward and unnecessary vague to an English reader. Spanish rhetoric differs from English rhetoric in still another way. While the rules

of English rhetoric require that every sentence in a paragraph relate directly to the

central idea, a Spanish-speaking writer loves to fill a paragraph with interesting

digressions. Although a Spanish paragraph may begin and end on the same topic,

the writer often digresses into areas that are not directly related to the topic.

Spanish rhetoric, therefore, does not follow the English rule of paragraph unity.

In summary, a student who has mastered the grammar of English may still write

poor papers unless he/she has also mastered the rhetoric of English. Also, the

students may have difficulty reading an essay written by the rules of English

rhetoric unless he/she understands the ‘logical’ differences from those of his/her

native tongue.

For items 1-5, choose the answer (A, B, C, or D) which fits best according to the text.

1. The author’s aim is to prove that

A. rhetoric is culturally specific.

B. foreign learners of English should acquire the rules of English rhetoric.

C. Asian and Spanish writers ignore English rhetoric.

D. English rhetoric is the best.

2. Mature English style can be characterized by

A. digression.

B. linear sequence.

C. degree of coordination.

D. vagueness.

3. Spanish writers tend to

A. neglect the central idea in the paragraph.

B. develop the topic in reverse sequence.

C. give a lot of examples.

D. wander away from the main topic.

4. It is difficult for the English reader to understand the Asian authors because

A. their texts follow different rules.

B. the rendering of ideas is too difficult.

C. the paragraphs contain subordinate clauses.

D. there is no coordination in the text.

5. The word “those” in the last sentence refers to

A. the rules of rhetoric.

B. other students.

C. logical differences.

D. foreign languages.

Transfer your answer into the answer sheet!


Task 2

You are going to read an article containing information about seven comedians appearing at a large annual arts festival in the UK. For questions 26-40, choose from the reviews (A-G). The reviews may be chosen more than once.

Top Comedians at this Summer’s Festival

This year’s festival offers a wide variety of stand-up comedians for visitors to choose from. Here is our pick of some of the best of them.

A Sarah Millican

Millican took home the best newcomer award at the festival two years ago and her career will be the model for the many aspiring comics making their debuts at this year’s festival. Millican followed up that success with television appearances on some popular prime-time shows as well as her own radio series. Her new show, Chatterbox, only her third full-length show, will go on to become her first national tour this autumn. Audiences love her combination of warm northern chat and her frank jokes.

B Jennifer Coolidge

The festival wouldn’t be complete without at least one US movie star braving a month of live audiences, and this year it’s Jennifer Coolidge, best known to a generation of teenagers as Stifler’s mom in the American Pie series. A talented comic actress, Coolidge makes her festival debut this year with a noisy show about pop culture, show business and men. No one quite knows what to expect, but it should be worth a visit.

C Shappy Khorsandi

Now with a bestselling book to her name and an increasing television profile Shappi Khorsandi is likely to be one of the most popular acts at the festival, as her popularity is not restricted to any generation, and she has a talent for making men as well as women feel comfortable. Past shows have relied heavily on her Iranian heritage and her father’s story; this year, expect to hear a lot more about her current personal life. Her recent divorce and life as a single mother have provided her with plenty of raw material, but for Khorsandi the personal and political are always comically tangled.

D Robin Ince

Taking time out from his stage and radio collaborations with the scientist Brian Cox, Robin Ince returns to the festival, offering fans who enjoy his winning combination of intellectual curiosity and explosive liberal views a choice of two shows. A committed supporter of the “Free Fringe”, a collective effort to resist the dominance of the big venues and sponsors, Ince will be offering his shows free. These are Robin Ince Asks Why? and Carl Sagan Is Still My God, the latter being a

homage to the American astrophysicist and popular science writer.

E Ardal O’Hanlon

It may be hard not to think of him first and foremost as Father Dougal, the character he played in the popular TV drama series, but O’Hanlon began as a stand-up comic and is one of the most accomplished live performers you’ll find at the festival. Fresh from performing in the US last year in a triple bill with two other Irish comics, O’Hanlon’s live act ought to be compulsory viewing for

any aspiring comedian; a friendly, slightly bewildered air masks a sharp intelligence, and his mastery of timing and delivery is a joy to watch. This is a new show for the festival and, as with his festival show last year, it is the prelude to a nationwide tour in the autumn.

F Susan Calman

Former corporate lawyer Susan Calman has been a favourite among Scottish comedy fans and discerning festival-goers since giving up her day job four years ago, but this year the secret is well and truly out. The diminutive Scot, now a regular on radio’s News Quiz, has moved to a bigger venue, with a new show in which she considers her own childhood. She’s passionate about political comedy often publicly regretting the lack of effective political satire in Britain.

G Emo Philips

In only his fourth appearance at the festival, the remarkable Emo Philips brings the show he is currently touring across the US, Please Witness My Act. The man described by Psychology Today as “stand-up comedy’s zany godfather” last visited in 2001, when he out-sold every other act at the festival. Over the past 35 years, Philips has won a devoted cult following, with his strange persona and his skillful jokes – three of them made it into a recent magazine list of The 75 Best Jokes of All

Time. A true original, he may puzzle the mainstream, but his fans will be thrilled to see him back.

About which comedian is the following statement made?

This comedian appeals to people of different genders and ages.
This comedian is critical to the current state of their favourite type of comedy.
This comedian will do a show nationwide for the first time later this year.
Anyone who wants to be a comedian should watch this person in action.
This comedian has also had some success as an author.
It’s this comedian’s first appearance at the festival.
You don’t have to pay to go to this comedian’s show.
This comedian won a prize at a previous festival.
This comedian uses difficult experiences from their own life in shows.
This comedian was previously employed in a legal profession.
Among a certain group this comedian is better known for working in films.
This comedian might not appeal to everyone.
Many young comedians would like to imitate this person’s career.
This comedian recently did an overseas tour with some other comedians from their country.
This comedian has recently worked on radio and in the theatre with another well-known person.

Transfer your answer into the answer sheet!

Task 3.

Use of English _______30 min

Task A

Read the text below about writing good letters when applying for a job.

In most of the lines 1– 12 there is one extra word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the meaning of the text. Some lines, however, are correct.

• If a line is correct, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet

• If there is an extra word in the line, write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your answer sheet.

• The exercise begins with two examples, (0) and (00).

Examples :

0 When you’re applying for a job, what can you do to ensure that your 0_CORRECT__

00 covering letter doesn’t just get „filed‟ in the rubbish bin? Firstly, you 00__YOU____

1 always remember that the purpose of a covering letter is there to 1.__________

2 complement for your CV. This means it should flesh out and explain 2.__________

3 clearly through any points that the CV alone doesn’t deal with and that 3.__________

4 therefore might otherwise be missed out by prospective employers. 4.__________

5 For example, if you’re looking to change in industries, then your letter 5.__________

6 ought to explain them why you want to make the move, what your 6.__________

7 motivation is, and what you hope to achieve. If your CV shows that you 7._________

8 don't hold a relevant qualification that the job ad has specified it (say, 8.__________

9 a university degree or a vocational diploma), so you’ll need to explain 9.__________

10 why you should still be considered. It’s not easy, and often writing the 10._________

11 letter can take twice as long as writing your CV. But because to somе 11._________

12 extent that is how it should be: a CV is a formal, with structured document that simply 12__

13 imparts information, whereas a letter is your chance to make an impression. 13.__________

Transfer your answer into the answer sheet!

Task B

For items 11 – 20 fill in the gaps, using the words below. There are some extra words you don’t have to use.

arranged, at, exciting, historic, historical, Imperial, near, nearby, on, quiet, quite, relaxed, scene, scenery, serving, shade, shadow, the Imperial, wander, within, wonder

Stay at 1. _______ Hotel.

Relax and enjoy the beautiful 2. ________ around you.

Would you like a game of golf and tennis? Or would you prefer to 3. _________ in remote hills on a sunny day? Or would you like just a 4. _______ rest in the 5. _________ of the garden?

Situated on the banks of the Thames, the hotel has a lot of facilities for young and old.

It is also 6. ________ easy reach of several interesting 7. __________ buildings, dated back to the 18th century.

Special food can be 8. _________ for vegetarians and those on a diet.

We can meet you at the 9._________ station, called ‘The Thames Gardens’, 10. ___ arrival. It’s only a 5-minute drive from the station to the hotel.

Reasonable prices.

You will really enjoy staying here.

Transfer your answer into the answer sheet!

Part 4


You have seen the following announcement on the website of a company that produces world guidebooks._______ 60 minutes

Write your article ____180-220 words.

Всероссийская олимпиада по английскому языку

для учащихся 9 – 11 классов

Школьный этап.

Идентификационный номер участника

Answer Sheet

Part 2


Text 1

Read the text and do the task that follows.



Task 2

You are going to read an article containing information about seven comedians appearing at a large annual arts festival in the UK. For questions 26-40, choose from the reviews (A-G). The reviews may be chosen more than once.
















Part 3

Use of English

Task A

Read the text below about writing good letters when applying for a job.

In most of the lines 1– 12 there is one extra word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the meaning of the text. Some lines, however, are correct.

• If a line is correct, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet

• If there is an extra word in the line, write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your answer sheet.

• The exercise begins with two examples, (0) and (00).

Examples :

0 When you’re applying for a job, what can you do to ensure that your 0_CORRECT__

00 covering letter doesn’t just get „filed‟ in the rubbish bin? Firstly, you 00__YOU____
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