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Главная » 2016 » Январь » 26 » Школьная олимпиада по английскому языку 11 класс
Школьная олимпиада по английскому языку 11 класс
Task 1

For questions 1-15 complete the following text by writing each missing word in the correct box on your answer sheet. Use only one word for each space.

The Changing Face of Beauty

Certainly, images of beautiful women or men are all (1)… us. You can find them in fashion magazines, (2) … TV, in movies… We all know what beautiful people look (3) …, even if we are (4) … beautiful ourselves. Yet, (5) … in the modern world, what we see as “beautiful” is constantly changing. In the 1890s the actress Lillian Russell was (6) … “the most beautiful woman in the world”. She was 165 pounds/75 kilos. In 1967 (7) … fashion model Twiggy was (8) … as the perfection of beauty – and she weighed just 91 pounds/41 kilos. (9) … big change (10) … our perception of beauty, in quite a short time. In the desire to be perfect many people decide to change their appearance (11) … surgery. Cosmetic surgery, which started (12) … long ago as 1910, aims to “improve” our physical appearance. Then it (13) … an expensive luxury. Now, it’s almost routine. … The problem is not the size of your stomach or the amount of hair on your head – the problem is that today, more than in (14) … other time in history, we choose to identify ourselves (15) … our appearance.

Task 2

For questions 16 - 20 choose the best alternative A or B.

16. I couldn’t find out (A) / discover (B) what the word meant as it wasn’t in my dictionary.

17. She has her clothes especially (A) / specially (B) made in Paris.

18. It began as just an ordinary (A) / commonplace (B) Saturday, but soon became a day I would never forget.

19. This trip (A) / journey (B) takes about 45 minutes.

20. The groom and his near (A) / close (B) family took their places.

Task 3

For questions 21 - 25 replace the words in italics with a suitable phrasal verb from the box below. There are three extra phrasal verbs, which you do not need to use.

break down hold up go off

give away carry on with call off

bring round get through to

21. Continue this job until I give you something else to do.

22. If someone faints, splash him or her with cold water to regain consciousness.

23. My car stopped working on the motorway and I had to walk to a garage.

24. The football match was canceled because it was raining cats and dogs that day.

25. It's a pity I can't reach my friend by phone. I'll have to call him later.

Task 4

For questions 26-30 use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.

Romans and Saxons were less (26)_____ at invading the far north and far western parts of Britain and the (27)_____ people and their language persisted in these places despite the spread of Roman, Saxon and later (28)______. The result is that in the north, (Scotland), west, (Wales and Cornwall) and the far west, (Ireland) the ancient Gaelic tongue survived and although through the centuries it (29)_____ into the Scotts Gaelic, Irish Gaelic, Welsh and Cornish languages all four are still (30)______ from the same root speech.
Категория: Олимпиада | Просмотров: 266 | Добавил: evgeniyhamov | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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