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Главная » 2016 » Январь » 28 » Самостоятельная работа по английскому языку 10 класс ФГОС
Самостоятельная работа по английскому языку 10 класс ФГОС
Form 9 Test №1

Put in an article ”a”, “the”, “—“ where necessary.

He is in …… prison. He has stolen my computer.
She went to …… hospital to visit Emily.
Where is Jack? –He is in ……. Church. It′s Sunday today.
I live near ……school. …….. school is very amazing building.
We had ……..delicious dinner at Carnegie Deli.
Usually she has ……… breakfast at school.
It was …….. worst lunch I have ever had.
…….dinner we had in that café was disgusting.

Fill in the gaps with last or latest.

This is her ……..chance. She must use it.
This dress is the ………. fashion.
This is Pushkin′s ………..poem.
I want to know the ……….news.
It was ………bus for today.

Underline the correct word.

I like this blouse. It is bright and colourful /colourless.
I don’t wear tight jeans. They are fashionable /unfashionable at the moment.
Casual / fancy clothes are suitable for camping.
It was very cheap because I bought it on sale/ in the sales.
I don’t wear unusual clothes because I don’t want to be fashionable/ to stand out.

Fill in the gaps with the right words.

You need ……………and……………..to work in the garden. (worn jeans, a fancy dress, a loose T-shirt, a stylish suit)
You can buy ……………..clothes in the sale. (cheap, expensive)
Jim likes to stand out and buys …………..things. (colourful, baggy, practical, extravagant)
If you want to be comfortable, you should wear …………..clothes. (elegant, casual, fancy, stylish)

Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.

John says,” I always wear fancy and expensive clothes”.
Nick says to Tom,” I don’t care about fashion”.
Lena asks me,” Do you read adventure stories?”
The mother always says to her children,” Don’t open the door to anybody”.
Emily asks to the boys,” Who wants to go shopping?”
Caroline asks her husband,” Where did you go yesterday evening?”
The policeman says to the robber,” Put your hands up”.
Mark says to Rob,” Don’t be so aggressive, please”.

Choose the right answers.

……..is the biggest part of New York.

Brooklyn b) The Bronx c) Manhattan

……..are very tall buildings.

Skyscrapers b) Skyrippers c) Skyhighers

If you want to see a famous musical you should go to ………

Broadway b) Chicago c) Fifth Avenue

New York is on ……………

The Hudson b) the Thames c) the Neva

The Statue of Liberty used to welcome ………..

Welcome immigrants to the USA b) show the way to the ships c) welcome the presidents of the USA

…….. in New York run east to west across the island.


……..is famous for its unusual building.

The Rockefeller Center
The Guggenheim Museum
The Chrysler Building


0-19 баллов – «2»

20 –27 баллов – «3»

28-34 балла – «4»

35-39 баллов - «5»
Категория: Контрольные работы | Просмотров: 470 | Добавил: evgeniyhamov | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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