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Главная » 2016 » Январь » 26 » Олимпиада по английскому языку 8 класс
Олимпиада по английскому языку 8 класс

Match the etiquette phrases 1—10 and responses A—J to them.

How are you getting on?
Would you like to come along?
How do you do?
Do you have the time?
I have a little something for you.
How do you find the new film?
I am sorry.
May I have your pen please?
My sis has been two weeks ill.

I enjoyed every minute of it.
Yes, it's …
Here you are.
How nice of you. You really shouldn't have.
I am sorry to hear that.
Fine, thank you.
That's all right.
How do you do?
I'd love to.


Look at the sign in each question.
Someone asks you what it means.
Mark the letter next to the correct explanation A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet.



Sports clothes are on sale here.
Foreign ties are available.
There are special prices for tourists.
We make and sell silk dresses.


Job applications to be left at reception not with security guard

Give your application form to the receptionist.
There is a job available as a security guard.
Reception can pass a message to the security guard.
If there is no one at reception, speak to the security guard.


Please go to Customer

Services on ground floor if you wish to exchange goods

You can try on clothes on the ground floor.
You can change your money at Customer Services.
You change things you don't want at Customer Services.
You pay for everything on the ground floor.




The shop assistants are trained on Tuesday mornings.
The shop assistants leave early on Tuesdays.
There is a delivery on Tuesday mornings.
There are interviews for new staff on Tuesday mornings.



The bus to the airport waits here for 15 minutes.
It takes 15 minutes from the station to the airport.
The bus waits to collect passengers from the station.
The airport bus stops regularly at the station.


The people below all want to do an English course.
On the opposite page there are descriptions of eight courses.
Decide which course (letters A—H) would be most suitable for each person or group (numbers 1—6).
For each of these numbers mark the correct letter on your answer sheet.


Paolo is good at speaking and understanding English, but he needs to do a full-time course to improve his writing and spelling before he starts a business course next year. He can come to England for one month in December or January.


This Spanish family would like to spend two or three weeks attending a part-time language course. The girls are nineteen and eighteen and know quite a lot of English. The parents know very little English.


Nikos is fourteen and his sister Anastasia is sixteen. Their parents would like them to spend a month on a language course where they can learn new hobbies and be looked after by their teachers.


Mehdi has just finished university and wants to spend some time touring round the world. He would like to do a course for a week or two before he starts his trip as he has never studied English.


Dorit is leaving school in June and will start a course to become a tour guide about four months later. Her English is good, but she must get a language qualification before she starts college.


Activity language learning

For teenagers up to age sixteen with any level of English. Fully-qualified staff and instructors make learning fun and safe. Spend two weeks or a month in small classes, improving your English while you paint, make music, play tennis, volleyball, etc., and take part in many other activities.

Examination course 2

For students over sixteen, these courses last six months, and are part-time in the first three months, with a choice of afternoon leisure activities, changing to full-time for the second three months, with increased homework as the examination approaches.

Family summer school

Classes at all levels for adults (over sixteen) and ten to fifteen-year-olds in the same building. Meet for meals and evening leisure activities. Accommodation in modern flats near the school. A full-day study timetable for one, two or three weeks.

Special skills courses

These one, two or three-month courses take place from January to March and are aimed at students who wish to improve particular language skills. Listening, writing, reading and speaking are all offered, together or separately. Students are not advised to take more than two skills in one month.

Get around in English

This course is aimed at beginners who want to feel comfortable using English to buy tickets, book hotel rooms and make new friends. Although you will spend most of the course simply taking part in conversations, you will work hard and you will be surprised how much progress you make in just two weeks.

English for tourism

A six-month course for students with some knowledge of the language. The course covers areas such as ticket sales, making reservations and telephone work. Several trips to important English tourist centres are included. A very useful course for people planning to make a career in the travel business.

Examination course 1

For students over sixteen, three-month courses preparing for a certificate recognised by international companies and employers around the world. Full-time courses for students who are prepared to work seriously hard.

Adults' language breaks

These courses offer serious study during the morning, followed by the opportunity to join short trips to places of interest in the afternoon if you wish. Minimum three weeks, up to six weeks. Minimum age eighteen, all levels from beginners to advanced.


There are two mixed texts below.
Separate the two texts.
Arrange each text in the logical order.

"How did you find your way here being in this town for the first time and not knowing it, and not even using a map?" asked his uncle who was still very surprised at his nephew.
When the ticket inspector came and asked him for his ticket, the old writer began to look for it in his pockets, in his bag and suitcase. He could not find his ticket. He looked in the book he was reading, on the seat he was sitting. But in vein. The ticket was nowhere.
Michael looked around. Then he took a piece of paper out of his pocket and had a brief look at it. The address of his uncle's home was written on it. He looked at it once more, then he crossed the street and stopped in front of the new building. He came in and soon happened to be in his uncle's apartment.
It was an express train from London to Edinburgh. The compartment was spacious, the service was a first-class one, the people were pleasant and did not annoy him with the silly questions like: "Ah, you must be the person everybody knows, aren't you?" Looking out of the window he could see a picturesque landscape: carefully tended green plains with blue lakes like saucers, and a blue mass of sky above with yellow, warm and kind sun. To cut a long story short he obviously liked the trip.
It was the first time when Michael, a fifteen-year-old boy, went to see his uncle who had moved to a new town after he had married. It was 278 miles away and the boy decided to hitchhike to see the neighbouring countryside, to develop his communicational skills talking with drivers and, which had a great importance for him, to save an amount of money he had earned delivering newspapers every morning during the school year.
The ticket inspector stared at writer straight, the other passengers started the throw suspicious looks at him, and the writer himself was in despair. "Anyway I must find my ticket," said he. "I do want to know where I'm going."
"Please, do me a favour, don’t worry," said the ticket inspector. "You might have forgotten where you have put it. Take it easy. I can wait. I'll ask for it at the next station." But at the next station it was all the same.
He made that distance in quite a short period of time. The last vehicle was a truck, which let him off at the main street of the town. The boy thanked the truck driver and wished him a good luck. The town was modern and not large like many all round the country.
"No wonder," was the answer. "We live in a wonderful country which is very vast, with very friendly people always ready to help you. Just ask the people and they'll explain you how to get to a place."
Once upon a time an old writer who was extremely popular in England was travelling by train.

On the Train

Michael's Travel












There are ten pairs of synonymous sentences below.
Fill in the gap in the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one.
Write down no more that ONE word.

Mr. Brown was a teacher of history at Lakeland Greenhill School.

Mr. Brown ____________ history at Lakeland Greenhill School.

Martha was educated at home.

Martha ____________ her education at home.

First he attended a private school.

First he ____________ to a private school.

It takes him around two hours to do his homework.

It takes him around two hours to ____________ out his homework.

He enjoys music and plays the piano very well.

He is ____________ of music and plays the piano very well.

He always does everything himself.

He always works on his ____________.

Peter looks like his father.

Peter ____________ his father.

I like playing basketball.

Basketball is my ____________ sport.

I do not know that neighbourhood well.

This neighbourhood is not ____________ to me.

His last book appeared last month.

His last book ____________ out last month.


There are ten pairs of synonymous sentences below.
Fill in the gap in the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one.
Write down no more that THREE words.

Michael Green was in the process of writing a letter when the telephone rang.

Michael Green ____________________ a letter when the telephone rang.

The train started. Five minutes later they arrived at the station but, alas, there was no train there.

The train ____________________ when they arrived at the station.

He was in Spain last year. He was in Spain two years ago. He came back from it last week.

He ____________________ there three times.

We agreed to meet half an hour ago. I was waiting, I am still waiting for you.

I ____________________ for you for half an hour.

The fact is that this kind of music is not for her.

She ____________________ this kind of music.

"I really don't know what to do." "Don't worry. I promise to do it myself."

"I really don't know what to do." "Don't worry. I ____________________ it myself."

Look at her. She is in the process of drawing a new picture.

Look at her. She ____________________ a new picture.

"You should keep left while driving here in Britain." Said the policeman.

The policeman told ____________________ left while driving there in Britain.

He will come back home. She will complete her translation.

When he ____________________ home she will complete her translation.

The little kids made such big noise so Jack came here yesterday.

Jack came and said that the little kids ____________________ such big noise.
Категория: Олимпиада | Просмотров: 350 | Добавил: evgeniyhamov | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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