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Главная » 2016 » Январь » 26 » Олимпиада по английскому языку 10 класс с ответами
Олимпиада по английскому языку 10 класс с ответами

You are going to read the text. For questions 1–6 chose the answer A, B, C or D which you think fits best according to the text.



People have always affected Nature. But during the last two centuries due to the development of industry human has transformed the environment radically. Satellite observations of the Earth have revealed that 60 per cent of land surface is damaged by industrial agricultural and other human activities.


The world has over 9 million square km of forests. This is a lot of trees, and also a lot of different species of trees. But they are disappearing fast. In many of our towns there are streets or areas where the names remind us that forests have been cleared to make place for us to live. Every day we see paper and cardboard – both made from wood – being used up. We see different kinds of wood being used in furniture and in other ways. Every year over 100,000 sq. km of forest is badly damaged that it is very hard for it to recover.


At this rate, by the time you are as old as your grandparents are now; all the forests on earth could be destroyed. In fact, the rate of destruction is increasing, so in only just over thirty years there will be very little forest left in most areas. This includes rainforests in Madagascar, Ecuador, Amazonia, Cameroon, the Himalayas and the Philippines.


Development of industries often means the destruction of the natural habitat of rare plants and insects. The power stations in the UK are responsible for causing acid rain not only in Britain but elsewhere in Europe. More than 450 mln of Britain’s these are affected by acid rain.


The world is also experiencing a permanent decline in water quality and water availability. In a lot of places water supplies are poisoned with toxic chemicals and nitrates. Waterborne disease kill 10 million people a year.


Can we preserve the life? Can we preserve the quality of life necessary for future generations? When we are sick we try to take care of ourselves. There is nobody but us, humans, to take care of the Earth that is sick because of our actions. Can we do something? YES, we can. And we are the only life form that is able to destroy our life support system. But we are sensible beings and we can maintain life Earth for the many generations to come.

1. The environment is spoiled because of __________ .

A. the mismanagement in history and agriculture.

B. the people’s disability to make true observations.

C. the amount of satellites in space.

D. the industrial progress.

2. Forests are disappearing fast because __________ .

А. people damage them badly.

В. people prefer furniture made of wood.

С. there are very few species of trees.

D. we don’t know how to make paper and car board.

3. All the forests on Earth can disappear __________ .

А. except the rainforests.

В. if the rate of destruction increases.

С. if your grandparents don’t solve this problem.

D. if people use furniture.

4. The reason for acid rain is __________ .

А. not in Britain but somewhere else in Europe.

В. Britain’s trees.

С. Rare plants and seeds.

D. Power plants.

5. The quality of water __________ .

А. is getting better.

В. is getting worse.

С. doesn’t change.

D. doesn’t tell on people’s health.

6. People can preserve life on the Earth as __________ .

А. they can look after themselves.

В. they have ruined their life support system.

С. they can act reasonably.

D. they are human.


1. Error correction.

In most lines of the following text, there is one unnecessary word.
It is either grammatically incorrect or it doesn’t fit in the sense of the text. For each numbered line 1–15, write the unnecessary word in the space. Some lines are correct. Indicate these with a tick (v). The exercise begins with two examples.

0 After a few minutes, the car stopped in front of

00 a large hotel. The driver who opened the door, and

1 said, «Please, follow me». They went up in to a lift

2 Then there was a long corridor with two or three

3 doors. Although, it seemed strange, so that the car hadn’t

4 taken her to her aunt’s house, Diana who wasn’t surprised.

5 Her aunt who she was very rich, owned several large

6 hotels, which she often stayed in them. I suppose she felt

7 so very bored at home that she decided to stay here.

8 «Please, can wait here, will you?» said the driver and

9 disappeared into a room at the end of the corridor.

10 The seemed to be a lot of people that in one of the

11 rooms. Then the driver, who he hadn’t been gone long,

12 came back at and asked Diana to follow him. They went

13 into a large room full of people, who all started clapping.

14 There was a poster that it said, «Diana Harris, Supermodel».

15 «Oh, dear», said Diana, «I think so there’s been a mistake»


















2. Read the sentences below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each blank.

1. … nothing interesting to show you.

A. It isn’t B. It is C. There isn’t D. There is.

2. Nick apologized … Tom … stepping on his toe.

A. before/about B. before/for C. to/for D. to/on.

3. Let me give you … advice.

A. a few B. a little C. few D. many

4. I didn't know if he needed any help. ... ... .

A. So did I B. Neither did I C. So didn’t I D. Neither didn 't I

5. ... President of... United States lives in ... White House in ... Washington D.C.

A. -, the, the, - B. -, the, -, the C. -, -, the, the D. the, the, the, -

6. 1 have my English class ... Monday morning.

A. in B. at C. for D. on

7. ... lovely music!

A. What a B. How a C. What D. How

8. Have you ever watched the sun ...?

A. raise B. rise C. is rising D. is raising

9. ... was still a day to spare.

A. There B. It C. This D. These

10. She wasn't a bright student. He had to help her a lot, ... he?

A. hadn’t B. had C. didn't D. did

3. Word formation. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word given at the end. As you do the exercise think about the kind of word that is needed in the sentence - verb, noun, or adjective. Be careful, because in some cases you will need a negative form.

1. Our … was delayed due to technical problems.


2. 1 could only get tickets for the afternoon …


3. One of my most … hobbies is playing a musical instrument.


4. He kept the children amused with his … stories.


5. It is so … to sit by the sea and watch the dolphins playing.


4. for questions 1–15, read the text below and decide which answers A, B, C or D best fits each space. There is an example at beginning (0).

0 A gone B brought C taken D come

E-mail or Snail Mail?

Modern technology has … (0) about enormous improvements in communications and yet many people are still very worried … (1) using the latest computers technology. I am often … (2) to meet colleagues who still don’t know what the ‘e’ in e-mail stands for and they are to … (3) to ask. They assumed you have to be skilled … (4) computers to send a message via e-mail but in fact it is … (5) thing in the world. It is also … (6) to send an e-mail message … (7) to send an ordinary letter or a ‘snail’ message which also takes … (8) longer. An e-mail message is only … (9) more expensive than a local telephone call to sent; on top of call itself you also have to pay a fee to your ‘server’. If you send a letter by … (10) mail it will take a couple of days to get there whereas an
e-mail will not take … (11) than a few seconds. Once you become … (12) to using the system you will be … (13) at how much more … (14) it is than other means of communication. Of course, before you have access to e-mail, you will need a fairly … (15) computer, which can be quite expensive.

1. A for

2. A surprising

3. A embarrassing

4. A about

5. A simpliest

6. A cheaper

7. A as

8. A much

9. A little

10. A second-hand

11. A more long

12. A capable

13. A amazed

14. A confident

15. A strong

B about

B irritating

B embarrassed

B into

B the more simple

B more cheaper

B than

B more

B slightly

B low-paid

B longest

B accustomed

B puzzled

B certain

B great

C at

C surprised

C tired

C to

C simple

C cheapest

C that

C as

C less

C part-time

C as long

C clever

C experienced

C efficient

C powerful

D with as

D irritates

D tiring

D in

D the simplest

D the cheaper

D from

D lot

D least

D first-class

D longer

D good

D pleased

D skilful

D large

9th form (ответы)


(По 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ – всего 6 баллов.)

KEY: 1-D. 2-A. 3-B. 4-D. 5-B. 6-C.


1. Error correction.

(По 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ – всего 15 баллов.)

1 to 2 then 3 so 4 who 5 she 6 them 7 very 8 can 9 v
10 that 11 he 12 at 13 v 14 it 15 so.

2. (По 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ – всего 19 баллов.)

1-D. 2-C. 3-B. 4-B. 5-D. 6-D. 7-C. 8-B. 9-A. 10-C.

3. (По 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ – всего 5 баллов. Ошибка в правописании оценивается в 0 баллов.)

1. flight 2. performance 3. enjoyable 4. humorous 5. peaceful

4. (По 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ – всего 15 баллов.)

1-B. 2-C. 3-B. 4-D. 5-D. 6-A. 7-B. 8-A. 9-B. 10-D. 11-D. 12-B. 13-A. 14-C. 15-C.

Олимпиадные задания (школьный тур) для учащихся 10 класса

№1. Reading

You are going to read a newspaper article about bird flu. Eight paragraphs have been removed from the article. Choose from paragraphs A-H the one which fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

French doctors test woman for bird flu

after trip to Turkey

French doctors were carrying out tests last night to establish whether a 32-year-old woman had caught bird flu during a holiday in Turkey.



The National Institute of Health Awareness (INVS) confirmed: "It is a case of suspected bird flu, given the symptoms and the fact that she saw dead birds during her travels in a country affected by episodes of bird flu".


"Samples taken from the [patient's] nose and throat are undergoing tests for the virus H5N1 at a laboratory in Marseille", said an INVS spokesperson.

The French health ministry said the woman, who was travelling alone, had complained of feeling ill after returning from a two-week visit to her family in the Tarsus region of Turkey.


She went to the emergency department of a hospital in Sete on Saturday but was later transferred to Montpellier for specialist treatment. Last night the French health ministry insisted that the response to the suspected case was routine.


Amid fears that the virus may have spread across a third of the country, Turkish authorities have slaughtered more than a million birds.

Yesterday a team of US government scientists visited the city of Van in eastern Turkey where the children died, to assess what help Washington can provide.

The delegation was also scheduled to visit Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia.


On Friday the Turkish government accused several of its neighbours of concealing bird flu outbreaks and hampering efforts to prevent the spread of the disease.


Turkey has reported possible H5N1 outbreaks in poultry in 26 provinces, including areas bordering Azerbaijan, Armenia, Iran, Iraq, Syria and Georgia.


The four-year-old boy and his 13-year-old sister died in Java. But laboratory test results confirming they had contracted bird flu were not released until yesterday. The children's father and one of their sisters are also in hospital with flu-like symptoms.


All the victims appear to have contracted the disease after close contact with infected poultry, and health officials say that so far there is no evidence that the virus can be transmitted from human to human.

A. So far the area has not reported any cases of bird flu.

B. Turkey did not name the countries it believes are covering up infections.

C. Since 2003, 81 people have died from bird flu in Turkey and eastern Asia.

D. It added, however, that the woman had had no direct contact with any birds and initial tests for H5N1, the deadly bird flu virus, had proved negative.

E. Authorities in Azerbaijan have tightened sanitary controls on the frontier to prevent the spread of bird flu.

F. Yesterday it emerged that two Indonesian children from the same family died from bird flu last week, bringing the country's toll from the virus to 14.

G. The woman, who complained of having fever and breathing difficulties, has been placed in isolation and is being treated with the antiviral drug Tamiflu at a hospital in Montpellier, south-eastern France.

H. The H5N1 virus was initially detected in birds in Turkey in October, and the first humans to be infected there were reported a fortnight ago. Twenty-one people have since tested positive, and four children have died.


Task 1

In most lines of the following text, there is one unnecessary word. It is either grammatically incorrect or it doesn't fit in with the sense of the text. For each numbered line 1–14, write the unnecessary word in the space. Some lines are correct. Indicate these with a tick (v). The exercise begins with two examples.


George came round to see me yesterday because he said he



wanted to discuss about the problems he was having at work. He



explained that because he had been only recently started to work


in the office everybody was taking advantage of him. He


complained that they kept up asking him to do things which he


says are not his job to do it. Senior members of staff


asked him to make a coffee and one of them even told him


to buy him a newspaper. The assistant director asked of him


whether he would mind to getting him some cigarettes.


I asked George how long had this had been going on and he said


it had started on his first day in the office. I advised him to go and


talk to his boss. He replied that he has had already had a


word with the manager but he refused to get involved and even


suggested whether it was George's fault if there was tension at


work. I wondered whether we should to persuade George to apply


for a job with us but I don't know about whether he would agree to work on a much lower salary that he's getting at the moment.

Task 2

Word formation. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word given at the end. As you do the exercise think about the kind of word that is needed in the sentence - verb, noun, or adjective. Be careful, because in some cases you will need a negative form.

1. Our … was delayed due to technical problems.


2. 1 could only get tickets for the afternoon …


3. One of my most … hobbies is playing a musical instrument.


4. He kept the children amused with his … stories.


5. It is so … to sit by the sea and watch the dolphins playing.


Task 3

For questions 1–15, read the text below and decide which answers A, B, C or D best fits each space. There is an example at the beginning.

Example: 0 A quiet B quite C more quiet D quietly

She put the key in the key hole as D (0) as she could but she found it ... (1) as the door was old and rusty. As she ... (2) opened the door, it squeaked ... (3) on its old hinges. 'I wish they'd oil the thing a bit more …(4),' she muttered to herself … (5). She closed the door ... (6) behind her and then tiptoed ... (7) across the room. Unfortunately, this time it was the floorboards that betrayed her as they creaked ... (8) with every step she took. It had been so … (9) since the old house had been built – it had … (10) been about two hundred years before and for all Helen knew they had … (11) replaced the original floorboards. Helen's heart began to beat … (12). It was one o'clock. Helen's parents must have gone to bed ... (13). This was most unusual. Rarely … (14) to bed before she got home. No sooner had she put her foot on the first stair … (15) she heard a muffled voice call out. "Who's there? Is that you, Helen?"

1. A hardly

2. A slowly

3. A lightly

4. A frequent

5. A with angry

6. A shyly

7. A softly

8. A aloud

9. A along

10. A probably

11. A rarely

12. A fastly

13. A early

14. A they went

15. A then

B easy

B loudly

B noisily

B oftener

B angry

B efficiently

B gentle

B loud

B long time

B certainly

B scarcely

B more faster

B more earlier

B they did go

B than

C hard

C careful

C softly

C sooner

C angrily

C carefully

C finely

C loudly

C long

C definitely

C never

C more fast

C the earliest

C they have gone

C that

D easily

D noisy

D gently

D frequently

D from anger

D fast

D shortly

D allowed

D a long time

D may not

D occasionally

D faster

D more early

D did they go

D there

Task 4

Read the sentences below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each blank.

1) …police on the opposite side of the street?

A. It is B. There is C. Is it D. Are there

2) Would you mind not ... on the radio until I ... with this phone call?

A. to turn/finish B. to turn/ will finish

C. turn/finish D. turning/finish

3) The sky was cloudy. … , we went to the beach.

A. consequently B. nevertheless

C. in spite of D. even though

4) If you cannot do it …, you can always … your parents.

A. your self/consult to B. by your own/turn to

C. by yourself/turn for D. on your own/consult

5) Don't forget … me as soon as you … home.

A. calling, come B. to call, come

C. calling, will come D. to call, will come

6) I'd like to ask you … questions. I need … more information.

A. few, little B. a few, a little

C. a few, a few D. few, a few

7) I expected … today.

A. them come B. they came

C. they come D. them to come

8) If it … raining yesterday, we … the game.

A. hadn't been, would have finished B. wasn't, will finish

C. weren't, would have finished D. wasn 't would finish

9) Have you ever ... across the Atlantic?

A. fly B. flowed C.flew D. flown

10) I can't help ... economical.

A. to be B. being C. my being D. be

10th form (ответы)

№1. Reading

A. – g E. – e

B. – d F. – b

C. – a G. – f

D. – h H. – c


Task 1

По 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ. Всего 14 баллов.

1. been 5. a 9. v 13. to

2. v 6. of 10. has 14. about

3. up 7. to 11. v

4. it 8. had 12. whether

Task 2

(По 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ – всего 5 баллов. Ошибка в правописании оценивается в 0 баллов.)

1. flight 2. performance 3. enjoyable 4. humorous 5. peaceful

Task 3

По 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ. Всего 15 баллов.

1C; 2A; 3B; 4D; 5C; 6C; 7A; 8C; 9C; 10A; 11C; 12D; 13A; 14D; 15B.

Task 4

По 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ. Всего 15 баллов.

1.D; 2.D; 3.B; 4.D; 5. B; 6. B; 7.D; 8.A; 9.D; 10.B.

Олимпиадные задания (школьный тур) для учащихся 11 класса

№1. Reading

You are going to read a newspaper article about bird flu. Eight paragraphs have been removed from the article. Choose from paragraphs A-H the one which fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

French doctors test woman for bird flu

after trip to Turkey

French doctors were carrying out tests last night to establish whether a 32-year-old woman had caught bird flu during a holiday in Turkey.



The National Institute of Health Awareness (INVS) confirmed: "It is a case of suspected bird flu, given the symptoms and the fact that she saw dead birds during her travels in a country affected by episodes of bird flu".


"Samples taken from the [patient's] nose and throat are undergoing tests for the virus H5N1 at a laboratory in Marseille", said an INVS spokesperson.

The French health ministry said the woman, who was travelling alone, had complained of feeling ill after returning from a two-week visit to her family in the Tarsus region of Turkey.


She went to the emergency department of a hospital in Sete on Saturday but was later transferred to Montpellier for specialist treatment. Last night the French health ministry insisted that the response to the suspected case was routine.


Amid fears that the virus may have spread across a third of the country, Turkish authorities have slaughtered more than a million birds.

Yesterday a team of US government scientists visited the city of Van in eastern Turkey where the children died, to assess what help Washington can provide.

The delegation was also scheduled to visit Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia.


On Friday the Turkish government accused several of its neighbours of concealing bird flu outbreaks and hampering efforts to prevent the spread of the disease.


Turkey has reported possible H5N1 outbreaks in poultry in 26 provinces, including areas bordering Azerbaijan, Armenia, Iran, Iraq, Syria and Georgia.


The four-year-old boy and his 13-year-old sister died in Java. But laboratory test results confirming they had contracted bird flu were not released until yesterday. The children's father and one of their sisters are also in hospital with flu-like symptoms.


All the victims appear to have contracted the disease after close contact with infected poultry, and health officials say that so far there is no evidence that the virus can be transmitted from human to human.


A. So far the area has not reported any cases of bird flu.

B. Turkey did not name the countries it believes are covering up infections.

C. Since 2003, 81 people have died from bird flu in Turkey and eastern Asia.

D. It added, however, that the woman had had no direct contact with any birds and initial tests for H5N1, the deadly bird flu virus, had proved negative.

E. Authorities in Azerbaijan have tightened sanitary controls on the frontier to prevent the spread of bird flu.

F. Yesterday it emerged that two Indonesian children from the same family died from bird flu last week, bringing the country's toll from the virus to 14.

G. The woman, who complained of having fever and breathing difficulties, has been placed in isolation and is being treated with the antiviral drug Tamiflu at a hospital in Montpellier, south-eastern France.

H. The H5N1 virus was initially detected in birds in Turkey in October, and the first humans to be infected there were reported a fortnight ago. Twenty-one people have since tested positive, and four children have died.

№2. English in use

1. Error correction.

In most lines of the following text, there is one wrong word. It is either grammatically incorrect or it doesn’t fit in with the sense of the text. For each numbered line 1-13, write the wrong word in the space. Some lines are correct. Indicate these with a tick (v). The exercise begins with two examples.

0 While travelled in Germany Trench, a young English doctor travelled

00 got acquainted with Mr. Sartorius, a respectable gentleman, v

1 and his daughter Blanche. The young persons fell in love with _____

2 each other and was going to get married. Trench knew that ________

3 Sartorius was rich, but he didnot know what kind of property ______

4 he had. He learned about it from the conversation with Lickcheese, __

5 Sartorius’ rent collector. It had turned out that Sartorius was _______

6 the owner of some tenement houses in the London slums, and that___

7 all the property he had were built by getting money out of poor _____

8 people. Trench was being shocked. He didn’t want to take money____

9 from Blanche’s father. But she said she couldn’t live on the small____

10 income he had. Than Trench learned that the land belonged to _____

11 Trench’s aunt and that he himself was living on money got in the___

12 same way. Everything comes out “all-right” in the end: Trench ____

13 married Blanche and became one of partners in Sartorius’ business__

2. For questions 1-16, read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Pigeon racing

The homing 0) A of pigeons has made them popular for the sport of pigeon racing. A young bird’s 1)... begins when it is about seven weeks old. It 2)... of giving it short exercise flights, teaching it to 3)... its 4)... call, and teaching it to enter inside of its cote, or 5)... . The next 6)... of training is started when the bird is about four months old. The pigeon is taken 7)... distances from its cote and is 8)... . These flights are gradually extended from three miles to 100 miles as the bird’s stamina 9)... . When the bird is ready, the owner may enter it in a race 10)... other trained pigeons. The owners take their birds to a central meeting place where all the birds are tagged and released 11).. . A bird is not considered to be home 12)... it has entered its cote and its owner has removed the tag and inserted it into a 13)... that records the birds 14)... time. 15)... owners live at varying distances from the release point, the first bird home may not be 16)... flyer. The bird that makes the best time in flying the distance home is the winner.


A instinct

B idea

C feeling

D impulse


A tuition

B buildup

C training

D cultivation


A amounts

B comprises

C contains

D consists


A recall

B recognize

C recollect

D remember


A owner’s

B master’s

C lord’s

D chief’s


A home

B apartment

C habitation

D house


A chapter

B time

C phase

D step


A little

B brief

C small

D short


A excused

B released

C surrendered

D loose


A exaggerates

B increases

C intensifies

D mounts


A in front of

B opposite

C against

D before


A coincidently

B simultanously

C synchronously

D synchronicly


A in advance of

B before

C until

D since


A timer

B digital

C watch

D clock


A arrival

B coming

C come

D entrance


A as a result of

B because

C considering

D thanks to


A speediest

B most fast

C the fastest

D the most active

3. Read the sentences below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each blank.

1. Such kind of report is made in August, ...?

A. is it B. aren’t it C. is it not D. isn’t it

2. The streets were five times as ... as in the old district.

A. narrow B. narrower C. narrowly D. the narrowest

3. This soup was cooked by ... .

A. her self B. her own C. her D. herself

4. Where is my umbrella? – You must ... in the bus.

A. left B. have left C. had left D. has left

5. Even if she doesn’t want, she will ... to the hospital.

A. take B. be taking C. be taken D. be took

6. What ... if it looked like raining?

A. would you do B. would you be doing C. have you done D. are you doing

7. It was ... nice summer day when … weather was fine and ... sun was shining in the blue sky.

A. a, the, the B. the, a, a C. –, a, the D. the, –, a

8. I am afraid you will miss that train. You ... a taxi.

A. should take B. should not take C. should be taking D. should have taken

9. My grandmother ... flowers from the country, but now she doesn’t go there.

A. is used to bring B. is used to bringing C. was used to bringing D. used to bring

10. I never saw anyone ... a wedding so much.

A. enjoying B. enjoy C. enjoys D. enjoyed

4. Word formation. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word given at the end. As you do the exercise think about the kind of word that is needed in the sentence - verb, noun, or adjective. Be careful, because in some cases you will need a negative form.

1. Our … was delayed due to technical problems.


2. 1 could only get tickets for the afternoon …


3. One of my most … hobbies is playing a musical instrument.


4. He kept the children amused with his … stories.


5. It is so … to sit by the sea and watch the dolphins playing.


5. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Mary who writes:

...In your previous letter you told me that you had joined your school Literature Club. I wonder what you do at your club meetings. Can I help you in any way?

As for me, I enjoy reading very much and I would be really interested to know about famous Russian writers. Who is your favourite writer at the moment? Have you got enough time for reading?..

Write a letter to Mary.

In your letter

- answer her questions and tell her about your Literature Club

- ask 3 questions about her reading preferences

Write 100 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.

11th form (ответы)

№1. Reading

A. – g E. – e

B. – d F. – b

C. – a G. – f

D. – h H. – c

№2. English in use

1. Error correction.

1. persons

7. were

2. was

8. being

3. did not

9. v

4. v

10. than

5. had turned

11. money (article)

6. the

12. comes

13. one of partners (article)

2. Word choice.

1. C

9. B

2. C

10. C

3. B

11. B

4. A

12. C

5. A

13. D

6. C

14. A

7. D

15. B

8. B

16. C

3. Grammar.

1. D 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. A 8. A 9. D 10.B

4. (По 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ – всего 5 баллов. Ошибка в правописании оценивается в 0 баллов.)

1. flight 2. performance 3. enjoyable 4. humorous 5. peaceful
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