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Главная » 2016 » Январь » 26 » Олимпиада по английскому языку 10 класс
Олимпиада по английскому языку 10 класс
Первый блок. Задания, оцениваемые в 2 балла.

1.Where does ….. Thames flow into?

А) a Б) an В) the Г) in Д) нет верного ответа

2. ….. road shall we take? There are two of them.

А) Who Б) What В) Whom Г) Which Д) Where

3. My friend is interested ….. medicine.

А) on Б) about В) in Г) for Д) нет правильного варианта

4. If what you say is true, there is ….. we can do about it.

А) little Б) not many В) few Г) a few Д) нет правильного варианта

5. The earliest manuscript of Beowulf ….. in the British Museum.

А) keeps Б) kept В) is keeping Г) is kept Д) нет правильного варианта

Второй блок. Задания, оцениваемые в 3 балла.

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

6. She said that she ….. to Italy.

А) was never Б) had been never В) had never been Г) has never been Д) нет правильного варианта

7. I think that he speaks English ….. than Ann.

А) bad Б) worst В) badly Г) worse Д) нет правильного варианта

8. We`ll be late if the bus ….. .

А) doesn`t arrive Б) won`t arrive В) hasn`t arrive Г) don`t arrive Д) нет правильного варианта

9.It was ….. a nice day that we decided to go to the country.

А) so Б) very В) such Г) too Д) нет правильного варианта

10 . …… , this painting is more impressive than that one. А) By my opinion Б) In my opinion

В) For my opinion Г) To my opinion Д) нет правильного варианта

Третий блок. Задания, оцениваемые в 5 баллов.

11 – 20.Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.

The Three Wishes

One evening a poor peasant sat near the fire talking with his wife.

“If only I had a little money myself,” he said, “I should open my own shop”.

“I”, answered his wife,” should be happy if I lived in a big house. But what is the use of talking, we are no longer in the fairies. If only I could meet one of them, it would not take me long to decide what to ask of her.”

Hardly had she said these words, when a beautiful young lady appeared in their room and told them she was a fairy willing to grant them the first three wishes. But they should choose with care as she could allow them no more than three wishes. Then the beautiful fairy disappeared.

At first the husband and wife were astonished. Then they began discussing the first wish that it would be best to have. They quarreled for a long time and finally decided to wish nothing for a while and put it off till next day.

“Oh! It would not be a bad thing to have a good sausage for our supper”, the woman said without thinking and a long thick sausage fell on their table. Being hot-headed the husband got very angry and began scolding his wife.

“You are such a stupid woman! I wish this sausage would stick to your nose!” The sausage jumped up and stuck to the woman’s nose.

“What have you done?!” cried the frightened woman.

The husband understood that he himself had been even foolish than his wife, but no matter how he tried he could not tear the sausage off his wife’s nose. And they continued quarreling.

Finally they understood that they had only one wish left. They thought for a long time and at last agreed to have their last wish. They wished the sausage to fall on the table, which it did. They ate it with good appetite.

11. Why did a beautiful fairy appear? А) to speak with the peasant and his wife

Б) to sit near the fire В) to discuss with the peasant his life Г) to fulfill the peasant and his wife`s first three wishes

12. Выберите глагол, которым можно охарактеризовать взаимоотношения героев.

А) argue Б) quarrel В) laugh Г) cry

13. Какое определение отражает характер главного героя.

А) hot-tempered Б) romantic В) selfish Г) kind

14. Выберите русский перевод, который наиболее точно соответствует значению английской фразы.

Hardly had she said these words…..

А) Ей трудно было говорить Б) Она твёрдо произнесла эти слова

В) Едва она успела произнести эти слова Г) Она говорила тяжело

15. Выберите синоним к слову TO GRANT

А) to give a present Б) to have a present В) to take a present Г) to bring a present

16. Выберите антоним к слову ANGRY

А) hungry Б) happy В) kind Г) stupid

17. Выберите правильно последовательность предложений в соответствии рассказу?

a) A fairy suggested them three wishes.

b) The peasant and his wife quarreled about their wishes.

c) They had a fine sausage for supper.

d) They asked the fairy to put the sausage on the plate.

А) d,c,a,b Б) a,b,d,c В) b,a,c,d Г) d,a,b,c Д) нет правильной последовательности

18. На какой из вопросов нельзя найти ответ в тексте?

А)What were the peasant and his wife dreaming?

Б) What happened to the woman`s nose?

В) What was their fourth wishes?

Г) На все эти вопросы есть ответ в тексте.

19. Вставьте недостающие глаголы из текста в данный список в соответствии с хронологией повествования.

talk , ______ , grant , astonish , quarrel , stuck , ______ , understand , ______ , eat

А) appear , frighten , fall Б) frighten , appear , fall В) fall , frighten , appear

Г) appear , fall , frighten Д) нет правильной последовательности

20. Определите жанр этого произведения. А) legend Б) fairy tale В) fable Г) story

21. A double-decker is ________

А) a bus Б) a tram В) а taxi Г) а trolleybus Д) a tube

22. Английский драматург Том Стоппард в сентябре 2008 года посетил Екатеринбург.

Какое событие стало причиной его визита?

А) Спектакль по его пьесе "Розенкранц и Гильденстерн мертвы", который поставил в прошлом сезоне Максим Кальсин в театре "Волхонка".

Б) Никакое, это был просто частный визит.

В) Постановка его пьесы "Розенкранц и Гильденстерн мертвы» в Академическом театре музыкальной комедии г. Екатеринбурга.

Г) Он не приезжал в Екатеринбург в этом году.

Д) Творческий вечер одного из его друзей-драматургов

23. Назовите цветок, который является символом мира в Великобритании.

А) лилия Б) роза В) мак Г) гвоздика Д) мимоза

24. Представь себе, что у тебя появилась возможность поехать на конкурс песни «Евровидение». Ты решил прочитать о конкурсе и выяснить для себя ряд моментов.

The Eurovision Song contest takes place in May every year. Before the final competition, people in each country choose the song they want to represent their country. The idea of the contest is to promote pop music, from all over the different countries and give an opportunity to new singers and composers.

Singers must be over 16, after a 13-year-old from Belgium won the competition the year before. There are no rules about the languages. Groups can sing in their own languages, or in English. The competition is always in the country where the last year’s winner came from.

What rules do the singers follow?

А) they must sing in the country they came from

Б) they must sing only in English

В) they can sing in their own language

Г) they must be over 13 years old

25. The oldest university in Britain is in _____________

А) Имперский колледж

Б) Кембридж

В) Лондонская школа экономики

Г) Оксфорд

Д) Университетский колледж Лондона
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