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Главная » 2016 » Январь » 28 » Контрольная работа по английскому языку 8 класс за год
Контрольная работа по английскому языку 8 класс за год
Task 1 Choose the correct variant:

… is the Sun together with the planets going round it.

the solar system b) a galaxy c) a planet.

… is a large, round object that goes round a star.

space b) the universe c) a planet

… is a very violent wind in the form of a runnel of air that spins at great speed.

a flood b) a tornado c) a hurricane

… is a sudden shaking of the ground.

an earthquake b) a drought c) a volcano

… is a group of stars to which the Sun and its planets belong.

Galaxy b) The Milky Way c) The Moon

The hurricane did a lot of … to the town.

damage b) disasters c) problems

A National park is a place protected from industrial and urban ….

emblem b) achievement c) development

A modern spaceship was … 3 days ago.

a) taken b) flown c) launched

The young … has received a small grant to continue his exploration.

a) researcher b) exploration c) nature

Antarctica is the coldest … , as well as the driest, the highest and the windiest.

a) town b) country c) continent


Task 2. Choose the right word: to break, to destroy, to damage

1. The hurricane…………… nearly two hundred houses.

2. I fell off the roof and…………… my arm.

3. The drought did a lot of…………..in my town ___/3

Task 3. Choose the correct form (with or without «the»):

Bahamas / The Bahamas are a group of islands in Atlantic Ocean / the Atlantic Ocean.
I started on Black Sea / the Black Sea, then went round Bulgaria / the Bulgaria, Greece / the Greece, Italy / the Italy, France / the France and many other countries.
The capital of USA / the USA is Washington / the Washington, though some people think it is New York / the New York.
Tokyo / The Tokyo is the largest city in the world. ___/4

Task 4. Choose the correct variant:

1. Use / user / used / using / are used to

1) They ....not .... washing with cold water.

2) He is an experience computer .... .

3) May I ... your pen,please?

4) The metal machines were ..... many years ago.

5) ..... waste paper helps naturee.

2. Environment / environmental

1) They have many ... problems in their city.

2) To protect the .... is our main task nowadays.

3. Protection / protective / protect

1) We must .... our Earth.

2) He wears .... clothing as he is a fireman.

3) .... of nature is very important.

4. Pollute / polluted / pollution

1) The air is ..... by gases in the city.

2) People .... the ground throwing away litter.

3) What do you know about the .... of rivers and seas? ___/13

Task 5 Put the words in right order and translate the sentences:

music, I, a long, for, have not, time, listened, to.


Galileo, telescope, the first, made, it, and, looked through.


were, something, They, interesting, looking at, more.


careful, should be, spacemen, with, very, their, spacesuit.
________________________________________________________ ___/4

Task 6. Put the words in the correct form (Past Simple or Past Continuous)

1.Tim ………………..(clean) the room when I……………..(come in).

2.The astronauts…………. (have) a good time on the spaceship last year.

3.A terrible earthquake………………….(shake) the ground from 5 till 9 pm.

4. Last summer the flood ……………(destroy) a small town.

5.When they …………….(travel) around the Europe they ……………….(see) ___/5

Task 7. Open the brackets and use the Past Perfect Tense and Past Simple Tense.

1) We __________(see) him before they ______________(make) friends with him.

2) I already________________ (get) home before it _______________(begin) to rain.

3) There _________(be) a new painting that I _____________(not see) before.

4) Captain Cook _________________(discover) the island before he___________ (die).

5) Bob _________________(eat) all the cakes before Sam__________________ (come) home.


Task 8. Complete the sentences, putting the verbs into the correct form of Conditional II or Conditional III. Translate them into Russian.

If we ………………. (plant) more new forests, we ……………….. (save) wild animals.
If she ………………… (finish) her research, she …………………… (take part) in the conference.
If I ……………. (be) you, I ……………….. (visit) the old man.
If we ……………. (know) Alex, we …………… (believe) him.
If he …………… (study) better, he …………… (get) a job
If I …………………. (be) you, I …………………..(join) Greenpeace.


Task 9. Read the text and choose the right variant:

Litter is garbage – like food, paper and cans – on the ground or in the street. Where many people live together, litter is a problem. People don’t always put their garbage in the bins. It’s easier to drop a paper than to find a bin for it. But litter is ugly. It makes the city look dirty, and it spoils the view.

The wind blows papers far away. Often they are difficult to catch. When they blow against a fence, they stay there. This fence is a wall of garbage.

Litter is a health problem, too. Food and garbage attract animals, which sometimes carry disease.

Some people want to control litter. They never throw litter themselves, and sometimes they work together in groups to clean up the city. In most places litter is against the law. The law punishes people who throw garbage in the streets. They usually pay a fine, and occasionally they go to jail.

Two famous sayings in the United States are: “Don’t be a litterbug!” and “Every litter bit hurts!”

1) Litter is a problem among people.

a) true b) false c) not stated

2) Garbage makes our cities look awful.

a) true b) false c) not stated

3) There are special bins for different garbage in the streets.

a) true b) false c) not stated

4) Papers are easy to catch.

a) true b) false c) not stated

5) Garbage attracts sick animals.

a) true b) false c) not stated

6) People don’t care about litter.

a) true b) false c) not stated

7) Groups that cleans litter are in every city.

a) true b) false c) not stated

8) There are no antipollution laws.

a) true b) false c) not stated

9) In some countries people are punished for dropping litter.

a) true b) false c) not stated

10) The saying “Don’t be a litterbug!” asks you not to drop litter in the streets.

a) true b) false c) not stated
Категория: Контрольные работы | Просмотров: 626 | Добавил: evgeniyhamov | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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