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Главная » 2016 » Январь » 28 » Контрольная работа по английскому языку 6 класс за год
Контрольная работа по английскому языку 6 класс за год

Вы услышите разговор в зоомагазине. Установите соответствие утверждений 1-5 содержанию текста.

The woman wants to buy some exotic animal

True 2) False 3) Not stated

The dog in the pet shop is expensive (дорогой).

True 2) False 3) Not stated

The woman thinks that cats are unfriendly.

True 2) False 3) Not stated

Parrots are quiet birds.

True 2) False 3) Not stated

Goldfish is the best present.

True 2) False 3) Not stated 5 points


Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 1 – 5, обведя букву А, В или С, соответствующую варианту ответа, который вы считаете наиболее правильным.


Throughout the history of man, the lion has been the symbol of strength (сила). We say ‘strong as a lion’, or ‘lion-hearted’. But this was not because a lion can defeat (побеждать, наносить поражение) all other animals, but because lions strike terror in man and other beasts.

Lions are members of the cat family. An average (в среднем) grown-up lion is about nine feet long and weighs between 400 and 500 pounds. The males (мужской вид) are larger than the females (женский вид).

The lion’s voice is a roar or a growl (рычание). Unlike other cats, it doesn’t purr and rarely climbs trees. Unlike other cats, too, it can swim in deep water.

Lions live in more or less open country and not in forests. And because they drink once a day, they always live near some water. Lions may live alone or in pairs, or in groups which are known as ‘prides’(гордость).

Lions rest by day and do their hunting by night. The main food supply of lions comes from zebras, gazelles, and antelopes. Sometimes a lion will attack a giraffe, but it won’t attack an elephant, rhinos or hippopotamus. When a lion isn’t hungry, he pays no attention to other animals.

Lion is a symbol of strength because

it kills other animals
it is very big
everybody is afraid of him

The length (длина) of a lion is

about 400 pounds
9 feet
More than 500 pounds

It is different from other cats because

it can climb trees
it can swim in deep water
it can purr

Lions prefer to live

in water
in forests
in the open country

Lions usually hunt

at night
during the day
at rhinos and hippopotamus 5 points

Use of English.

1. Выбери и вставь слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу.

1) There will be less than 300 … in the world next year.

a) wings b) animals c) kinds

2) She usually … lions and tigers at 12.15 pm, elephants at 2 pm.

a) feeds b) protects c) saves

3) Alex and Jim … these little lambs (ягнят) because they were too weak.

a) fought b) watched c) joined

4) I decided to join the Zoological Society of London because I want to save … animals.

a) enjoyable b) natural c) endangered

5) Have you ever been to the zoo at … ?

a) all over the world b) feeding time c) take part in 5 points

2. Выбери и вставь глагол в нужной форме.

1) He … already repaired his bike.

a) have b) has

2) I have just … my baby sister.

a) feed b) fed c) feeding

3) Have you ever … to London?

a) be b) were c) been

4) The students have … the scientific society.

a) join b) joined c) joining

5) Mike has washed his hair … .

a) recently b) already c) yet 5 points

3. Поставьте данные в скобках глаголы в the Present Perfect Tense или the Past Simple Tense.

1) She (buy) a new pair of shoes.

2) She (buy) that pair of shoes last month.

3) We (write/already) a letter to the local newspaper.

4) He (take) some photographs two hours ago.

5) John (not/ finish/yet) his project. 5 points
Категория: Контрольные работы | Просмотров: 452 | Добавил: evgeniyhamov | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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