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Главная » 2016 » Январь » 28 » Контрольная работа по английскому языку 5 класс за год
Контрольная работа по английскому языку 5 класс за год
Test (Term 1) .

Past Simple or Past Continuous

She _______ (write) the letter while her brother ______(read) the book.
They _______ (save) the bird last winter.
Ann _______ (do) her homework at 6 o’clock yesterday.
The Browns ______ (move) into a new flat two weeks ago.
I ______ (clean) the room when he came.
Paul _______ (buy) a present at 7 o’clock yesterday.

Make phrases and translate them.

a deep mountain
a foreign boy
fresh river
to save language
use country
a high air
a native a computer
a tall animals

Example: a tall boy – высокий мальчик.

Write the sentences

Ann, neither, sweets, cakes, nor, eats
Neither, Den, Steve, nor, play, can, football
girls, Both, nor, speak, neither, French, Italian.
She, neither, nor, been, has, nor, to London, to Paris.
They, neither, use, nor, computers, laptops.

Test (Term 4)

Fill the words: competition, throw, advise, team, punish, receive, trouble.

He … a good education.
Sometimes parents … their children when they get bad marks.
Bill is a boy who always get into … .
Every year best … play in the Cup Final.
They always take part in sport ….
… me the ball , please.

Match the words and translate the phrases.

hold a) boating
follow b) sport
widespread c) competitions
develop d) hard
invent e)into trouble
train f) business
get g)the rule
go h) the telephone

Fill the pronounces.

Do you know these girls? What are ______ names?
This is her cat. _____ tail is black.
It is my book. It is _____.
Mrs Smith is rather old. She sometimes speaks to _________.
I looked at ________ in the mirror.
Bob and Mike are _____ friends. We invite _______ to the party.
Where is Tom? I want to speak to ____.

Complete the sentences.

If it doesn’t rain ….
When the lesson is over …
If they win the match …
We’ll buy a new car if…
She will take part in the competition ….
When Ann comes…

Translate into English.

Если Том будет тренироваться усердно (hard), он выиграет приз.
Когда Аня сделает домашнюю работу, она пойдёт гулять.
Категория: Контрольные работы | Просмотров: 313 | Добавил: evgeniyhamov | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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