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Главная » 2016 » Январь » 26 » Олимпиада по английскому языку 10 класс с ответами школьный этап
Олимпиада по английскому языку 10 класс с ответами школьный этап

Задание №1 (установление соответствия)

Here is some information about national parks of the USA.

Match the information (1-5) with the titles (A – G). Two titles are extra.

1. Going to this place once meant danger and even death. It's the hottest place in the United States and summer temperatures there can reach 54 degrees C! Today, it is a national park and thousands of people drive there (in air-conditioned comfort, of course) to enjoy the beauty of this strange land.

There are lots of ghost towns in this place. In the 1800s people streamed here looking for gold and silver. The terrible heat combined with hard work made people leave the towns. Today, you can visit these eerie ghost towns and look inside old houses, prisons and banks to see how people lived back then.

2. The Redwood National Park in California is home to the oldest trees in the world. One of them, called General Sherman, is more than 3,000 years old. It's about 84m tall.

The Saguaro National Park in Arizona is the only place in the United States where you can find the magnificent saguaro cactus. It's one of the slowest-growing plants -it takes seventy-five years before it even grows its first branch!

3. The Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado is famous for its 'cliff dwellings'. The Anasazi Indians, who lived there over a thousand years ago, built many houses, both underground and on the tops of the cliffs. For some unknown reason, the Anasazi Indians disappeared suddenly and mysteriously in 1300 AD.

4. In the Capitol Reef National Park in Utah you'll see lots of beautiful cliffs. Many of them are covered with petroglyphs (rock carvings) and pictographs (rock paintings). They were made by the Fremont Indians, who -just like the Anasazi - mysteriously disappeared in 1300 AD.

5. It is one of the true natural wonders of the world. It makes up most of the Grand Canyon National Parkand millions of tourists visit it every year.

The Grand Canyon is over 320 km long and up to 6 km deep. The top and the bottom of the canyon have very different weather and vegetation. In fact, going from the top to the bottom is somewhat like going from Canada to Mexico.

There are signs that people lived in the Grand Canyon 4,000 years ago

A. The Hottest Рlace in the World.

B. Mystery People.

C. Isn’t It Great?

D. The Biggest Trees.

E. Death Valley.

F. Rock Art.

G. Fantastic Plants.

Задание №2 Чтение

Восстановление пропущенных элементов текста (в данном случае – фраз), опираясь на логические и грамматические связи внутри текста.

You are going to read an article about Royal family. Six paragraphs have been removed from the article. Choose from the paragraphs (A-H) the one which fits each gap (1-6). There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning. (0).

Our Modern Royal Family

As a little girl, Elizabeth didn’t know that one day she would be queen. Her grandfather was King George V. But George and his wife Mary had six children. Their oldest son, the handsome and popular Edward, was the next in line to be king. Elizabeth's father, Albert, was only the second child, born in 1895.

(0)- H

Albert, or ‘Bertie’, was shy, and the family made this worse for him. He wrote naturally with his left hand, but he was told to use his right hand. He also had a speech problem.


The name of the royal family was now ‘Windsor’. They changed their name in 1917, during the First World War with Germany. Their family names at that time were German, and it was better to have an English one. So George chose the name 'Windsor'. Windsor Castle is one of the old palaces where the royal family often stay.


Finally, he fell in love with an American woman, Wallis Simpson. He wanted to marry her, but Wallis was divorced -twice. The royal family didn’t like her, but the problem was even more serious.


They called 1936 ‘The Year of the Three Kings’. George died in January. When they carried his body through the streets, a piece of the royal crown fell off into the road. “That’s very bad luck”, people said. “Something terrible is going to happen”. Then Edward became king. At first, he hoped that he could marry Wallis and also be king. He wanted the people of the country to accept this. But they didn’t. They didn’t want Wallis to be their queen.


Bertie decided to take a new name - George, like his father - and so he became King George VI. He had no sons, so his oldest daughter, Elizabeth, was now the next in line. She was ten, and her sister, Margaret, was six.


It was a sad story, and in some ways a romantic one. But Edward was a weak man who wanted power and money. And Wallis was a difficult woman who ruled Edward's life.


The ‘royals’ have to work very hard at their duties; it is difficult for them to have a private life. But Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon was a happy, strong-minded girl. When she agreed to marry him, she accepted the ‘job’ gladly. Later, after her husband’s death, she became the Queen Mother.

A. Before he was king, they lived in a large house on Piccadilly, a famous street in the centre of London. It wasn’t a palace, but it was big enough. It had twenty-five bedrooms, a library, and a room for dances and parties.

B. Edward married Wallis Simpson, and they lived in Paris for most of their lives. They were never friendly with the royal family again. Edward was very angry about what happened.

C. He couldn't always say the words that he wanted to say. His father only laughed at his son. Later, he had help from a special teacher, but all his life it was hard for Bertie to make speeches.

D. Old King George died in 1936. Now Edward was ready to take his place as King Edward VIII. Most people in the country liked Edward, and they wanted him to be king. But they didn’t know much about his private life. Even his father was worried about Edward before he died. Edward loved a good time. He enjoyed women, drank a lot, spent money, and didn’t think about other people or his duties to the country.

E. So on 10 December 1936, Edward signed the official papers which ended his rule as king. He made a speech to the nation on the radio. And on 11 December, his younger brother, Bertie, took his place.

F. The year 1936 wasn't easy for Britain, but at the end of it the country got a popular and a sensible king. They also had a fine queen, and two beautiful little princesses. King George VI’s wife was a Scottish woman, Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon. When he fell in love with her, she didn’t accept him at first. Even in those days, she knew that a life in the royal family is not all magic and fun.

G. The British king also had to be the head of the Church of England, and the Church did not accept divorce. How could Edward marry a divorced woman and still be king?

H. When they were boys, Edward and Albert were often unhappy. The children only saw their parents for an hour every day. Their nurse was a hard woman and often hurt Edward. George V was a good king, but not a very kind father. "I was frightened of my father, and my children are going to be frightened of me!' he said.

Чтение Задание №3

(множественный выбор) – тестовое задание, при выполнении которого необходимо выбрать ответ из нескольких предлагаемых вариантов. При этом, как правило, лишь один из предложенных вариантов правильный. (Остальные – отвлекающие варианты.)

You are going to read a magazine article about Florence Nightingale. For question 1 -5, choose the correct answer A, B or C. Mark your answers on the answer sheet.

Florence Nightingale

Florence Nightingale’s parents were rich English land owners. Florence was born in Florence, Italy on 12 May 1820. Her parents named her after the city where she was born. Victorian women didn’t usually go to school but Florence’s father believed that women should get an education so he taught Florence and her older sister at home. they learned Italian, Latin, Greek, history and maths.

As Florence grew up, she became interested in social problems. when she was twelve years old, she decided she wanted to do something useful with her life. She enjoyed visiting sick people in her neighbourhood.

Florence was extraordinary because most Victorian middle-class women didn’t have careers but Florence wanted to become a nurse. Her parents didn’t want her to become a nurse because nurses were usually working-class women. In fact, they didn’t want Florence to work at all, they wanted her to get married. However, her parents’ disapproval didn’t stop Florence doing what she wanted.

Florence went to Germany to learn about nursing. at that time nurses learned through experience, not through training. Florence looked after sick people, gave medicine out and helped during operations. She was very happy and she explained why: “we learned to think of our work, not ourselves.”

In 1854, Britain entered the Crimean war. Florence and a team of 38 nurses went to the Crimea to help the wounded soldiers. The military hospitals were dirty and badly organized. Florence made the hospitals clean and safe. The number of deaths in hospitals went down from 40% to 2%. Florence was kind and gentle with the soldiers. When she walked around the hospital at night she carried a lamp and that’s how she got the nickname “the Lady with the Lamp.”

After the war people from all over the world asked for her advice on designing hospitals. Florence thought nurses should learn through both experience and training. In 1860, she opened her training school for nurses. Today the Nightingale nurses still care for the sick and the poor.

1. What have you learnt about Florence’s parents?

A They were Italian citizens.

B They gave education to their children.

C They learned Italian, Latin, Greek, history and maths.

2. How was Florence different from most other women of her time?

A She wanted to be in work.

B Her parents didn’t allow her to work.

C She wanted to do something useful in her life.

3. How did Florence begin her career?

A She studied to be a nurse in Germany.

B She was working with her parents.

C She learned the nursing skills when she cared for the sick.

4. She gave medicine out in lines 15-16 means

A She brought medicine to a number of people.

B She took medicine out of the hospital.

C She made medicine for the sick.

5. How did Florence change hospitals?

A The number of patients went down.

B She set higher standards for hospitals.

C She put lamps everywhere in hospitals.

Задание № 4

Прочитай письмо и выбери правильный ответ

Dear Mom and Dad,

This is my fifth day at summer camp. Life in the great outdoors isn't exactly what I expected, but I'm not starving . . . yet . . . so don't worry about me.

I guess I should tell you about what I do every day. First, everyone has to get up at 5:30 A.M. They have this silly old rooster named Harry who loves to wake us up. Next, we have to make our beds and tidy up the cabin before our camp counselor, Jeff, comes to inspect the place.

Then, we have breakfast around 6:30 A.M. After that, we have some free time, so I've been going down to the nearby stream to fish for a couple of hours. But yesterday, the only thing I caught was an old shoe and a tree branch. Great catch, Huh? Then when I was trying to swat a mosquito buzzing around my head, I slipped and fell in the stream and lost my fishing pole. That ended my fishing career.

Well, in the afternoon, there are different activities we can choose from like archery, horseback riding, and hiking. I thought archery would be the sport for me until I shot an arrow through Jeff's pant leg. As you can imagine, I haven't been invited back since.

In the evening, everyone is assigned a different chore to get dinner ready. Yesterday, I was in charge of cooking the hotdogs, but I accidently dropped them in the fire, so we had to settle for beans instead. The other kids are always razzing me about it.

At night, we sit around a campfire in front of the cabin, sing songs, and tell ghost stories. That's usually fun, but one night while trying to find more sticks for the fire, I got all turned around and got lost. After about an hour of wandering aimlessly in the forest, I finally found my way back, but no one seemed to have realized what had happened, thinking that I just had gone to bed. A bear or wolf could have eaten me and no one would have known it. I was so beat I just crashed . . . out like a light.

Well, today is another day and tomorrow I go home . . . and not a bit too soon. I've learned that camping is just not for me.




1. What does Brad have to do before he eats breakfast?

A. clean his sleeping quarters

B. go down to the stream to get some water

C. feed the rooster and the other animals

2. What happened to Brad when he went fishing?

A. A tree branch fell on him.

B. He lost his fishing pole.

C. He slipped and lost one of his shoes.

3. What did he eat for dinner?

A. steak

B. hotdogs

C. beans

4. What was Brad doing when he got lost in the forest?

A. He was running away from a bear.

B. He was searching for wood.

C. He was wondering around looking for the cabin.

5.How did Brad like summer camp?

A. He had a great time.

B. It was okay.

C. He didn't have fun.

Лексико - грамматические тесты (фразовые глаголы)

В задании на выбор лексической единицы обязательно проверяется знание фразовых глаголов.

Задание №1

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using an appropriate form of the words in the box. There is one extra verb.

get on well with get around to get off get on

get out get ready get to get together get up

1. The next morning he rose early.

The next morning he ________ early.

2. She spends a lot of time preparing for the party.

She spends a lot of time ___________ for the party.

3. They don’t interact in a friendly way with each other.

They don’t ________________________ each other.

4. She couldn’t find time to start her homework until eight o’clock..

She couldn’t _______ doing homework until eight o’clock.

5. When can we have a party and dance?

When can we _______________ for a dance?

6. The door locked and I couldn’t leave the room.

The door locked and I couldn’t __________ of the room.

7. The talk stopped when they reached that point.

The talk stopped when they __________ that point.

8. Excuse me, I have to leave the bus at the next stop.

Excuse me, I have to ________________ at the next stop.

Задание №2

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, данные справа после номеров (1- 9) так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы (1-9).

Night Watch is a (1) ________ attempt to make a Hollywood-like blockbuster. To film something like Matrix. As for the visuals, they have (2) ________ succeeded. I’m (3) _______ impressed __________with visuals, storyline and (4) _____________. Overall, the movie is dark and (5) __________. It is based on three (6) _________ books, which means it has a fine script and idea to offer, but it also means that the movie has to explain the (7) _________problems behind the book here and there, which sometimes makes it a bit slower than an average (8) _______ blockbuster. The movie is not dumb, and it is not (9)________, though it is not a non-stop action either. If you like to see good visuals in movies, and have nothing against stories about people that have (10) _________ powers, witches, vampires and so on, I'd recommend you to see this movie, there's no reason for you not to like it!



(3) REAL

(4) ACT

(5) REAL

(6) FAME

(7) philosophy


(9) BORE


Задание №3

Modified Cloze (модифицированный клоуз-тест) - задание, предполагающее восстановление пропущенных элементов текста.

What is life of a teenager like in England? For questions 1-10 , read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only ONE word in each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Teenagers (0) in England do much the same (1) ___ kids in America or other European countries (2) ___. They (3) ______ chatting to and texting friends on their mobiles, hanging (4) ____ with their mates, listening (5) ___ the latest music on their MP3 players, shopping for the latest fashions or just (6) _______ movies on the television or (7) ____ the cinema.

In my (8) _____ time I swim, go to town, text my mates, go (9) ____ the internet and play on my Playstation! I like music. (10) ____ Britain, most youths prefer punk, garage, house, rock, pop and R&B*.

Задание №4

Multiple choice (множественный выбор) – тестовое задание, при выполнении которого необходимо выбрать ответ из нескольких предлагаемых вариантов. При этом, как правило, лишь один из предложенных вариантов правильный. (Остальные – отвлекающие варианты.)

For questions 1-10 read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C, or D best fits each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).

What is EU enlargement?

The European Union is a (0) ___B__ of countries whose (1)______ work (2)_____.

It's a bit like a club. To join you have to agree to (3)_____ the rules and in return you get certain (4)________.

Each country has to (5) ______ money to be a member. They mostly do this through taxes.

The EU uses the money to (6)_____ the way people live and do business in Europe.

Countries join because they think that they will benefit (7)______ the changes the EU makes.

On Saturday 1 May 2004 the EU grew from 15 to 25 members.

This is the biggest (8) _____ of the Union (9)______ it started.

There were a lot of news stories in the UK about whether or not the enlargement would benefit the UK. Some people were worried that (10)_____ in the new member states would move to Britain to get (11)_____ paid jobs. They are often worried that the UK is losing its (12)___________ and identity.

0 A native B group C variety D lot of

1 A citizens B politicians C governments D goods

2 A with B much C well D together

3 A like B make C follow D know

4 A presents B advantages C freedom D varieties

5 A earn B export C maintain D pay

6 A change B research C achieve D launch

7 A out of B from C in D --

8 A rise B standard C expansion D review

9 A as B from C since D because

10 A refugees B goods C workers D trades

11 A best B better C good D much

12 A poverty B freedom C quality D independence


Задание №1

In which kind of letters the following phrases may be used? Divide into two groups.

a personal letter an official letter

I was responsible for … This job would offer me …

Do you think you could … I succeeded in …

Best wishes. You have a part-time job, don’t you?

How are you? Love, …

I am writing to apply for … .

I have two year’s experience working with children.

I can’t wait to hear from you. I have so much to tell you.

I hope to hear from you in the near future.

I would be happy to come to an interview ….

Задание №2

Why do people believe in miracles? Write an essay expressing your point of view.

You should write 280 – 300 words.

Задание №3

A magazine has announced a competition for the most interesting article about the art of giving. The heading of the article you propose to the magazine is “To give or not to give? – That is a question!” You have to start with the words: “Giving is more rewarding than getting” and you need to explain why people give their money, time and effort to others without getting anything in return. Finish your article with the words: “The joy of giving gives the greatest satisfaction and cannot be compared with any other feeling”.

You have to write about 150 words.

Задание №4

Every month the magazine "TEENS" receives many letters from students asking for some advice about the problems they face in everyday life. Read the following letters addressed to the column "HELP!" and write a message (between 40 and 60 words) giving some advice to one of the teenagers.

Letter 1

Dear Help,

My best friend is good at everything! She's smart. I'm really jealous. She always gets A + 's and special awards, which makes me feel dumb. Whenever I find something I'm good at, she does it five billion times better. I'm afraid my jealousy may destroy our friendship, I start hating her academic and other achievements. How can I get rid of my jealousy?


Letter 2

Dear Help,

I know a girl who is always teased. I laugh with everybody else, though I know she is a very nice girl. But I feel so bad! This girl has been teased all her life, and she laughs with people too, even though she must feel bad down in her heart. What should I do to help her?


Task 2

(40 minutes)

Write a short (about 200 words) essay on how the life around you has changed while you were at school.


Listen to the part of a conversation with Matt Adams, a member of the Blast Theory – one of the most adventurous artists’ groups using interactive media - and do items 1-10 completing the statements with not more than two words. You will hear the recording twice.

Listening Comprehension (текст для аудирования)

Task One. Items 1-10 are based on Text 1. Listen to the part of a conversation with Matt Adams, a member of the Blast Theory – one of the most adventurous artists’ groups using interactive media complete the statements with no more than two words. You will hear the recording twice.

Q Good morning Matt.

A Good morning Jed.

Q How are you?

A Very good thanks.

Q Matt, could you explain to me what the blast theory group is and where it got started?

A Yeah, we are a group of three artists and we’ve been working together for about fifteen years and we make work interactive in one way or another, sometimes with technology, sometimes without.

Q Can you just describe for me your first work in that area of interactivity?

A Yeah, we started making work together in the early 1990’s and we were very influenced by club culture and we were in the UK at the time, which was very active. We were excited to try to find a way of incorporating what was happening in club culture with some of our interests in theatre and in making art. We looked for ways in which the audience might interact with a performance. So we made from one of our shows where the audience would walk around the space and we would perform among the audience, we collaborated with DJ’s and bands. Initially, the interaction was just asking the audience to participate in one bit of the performance and then gradually we progressed to using some sorts of aspects of technology, so we put pressure pads on the floor of the performance space so that the audience could step on a pad and trigger a bit of audio or a bit of video as part of the show.

Q Compare for me the first piece of work you did with the most recent piece of work you did.

A Well we have certainly changed quite a lot over the years. I’m not a technological person but we have become very interested in the way technology is changing the ways we communicate with one another. In the last sort of five years we’ve worked lots with mobile phones, mobile devices and we now collaborate with the University of Nottingham, they have a mixed reality lab at the University of Nottingham. We work together to develop games, often for mobile phones or for hand held computers. It is a lot more technologically sophisticated than it was and the other sort of real big differences is that we started to make work either in nightclubs or theatres but always in a performance base. Our work is really now out on the street or on the internet, so people are really sort of coming to engage with our work in a whole lot of settings.

Q These are some fairly high-end ideas in terms of our relationship with other people which is basically a screen. What have been the key developments that you’ve recognised over the time?

A I think the biggest thing is that fifteen years ago people talked about virtual reality as the kind of thing that you put the head set on and you go inside a virtual world and you’re completely immersed into this fantastical place. You need high-end equipment to do it, they’re a very specialised thing. Gradually, as we have had the rise of the internet we’ve found that you can go into a virtual world quite easily via an internet. The rise of online games massively multiplayer online games, is really sort of given a whole explosion to the idea that you can go into a virtual world via the screen, world of war craft or second life are these big games with many millions of players. But what is really now starting to happen with mobile phones that are connected to the internet you are now carrying a kind of connection to the internet in your pocket and so the virtual world is starting to spill out into everyday life.

Задания для аудирования:

1. The Blast Theory group is about __________________________ years old.

2. The group was first located in ____________________________.

3. In the beginning the group was influenced by __________________________.

4. In their first shows the group performed ____________________ the audience.

5. The first technological gadgets the group used were the _________________.

6. In the last five years the group has worked with _______________ devices.

7. The Nottingham University laboratory they work with is called ______________ laboratory.

8. For Matt the biggest development over the last fifteen years has become the accessibility of the ______________________.

9. Matt pays special attention to the development of the online ______________.

10. According to Matt, people now can carry a kind of connection to the internet in their ______________________.

Task 2

Listen to the story and decide which of the statements (11-20) are true according to the text (A), which are false (B) and on which the information in the text is not stated ©. You will hear the story twice.

(текст для аудирования)

Danger! Bird bath! by Andy Baxter

We all know that chainsaws are very dangerous - in Britain 1,207 people had to visit hospitals after accidents with chainsaws in 1999. However, in the same year, 16,662 people – more than twelve times as many - were injured by their sofa!

In June 2001, the New Scientist reported that “its favourite government report” had been published by Britain's Department of Trade and Industry. This was the annual Home and Leisure Accident Surveillance System report for 1999. The report looks at what people said had made them go to accident departments in certain British hospitals. It then uses these figures to estimate causes of accidents over the whole country.

Some of the most harmless things prove to be extremely dangerous:

Clothes: the Times (07 June 2001) reported that there were 5,945 trouser accidents (compared with only 5,137 the previous year). Socks and tights caused 10,773 accidents. Most of these accidents were people falling over because they were getting dressed too fast, and many other people fell over clothes left on the floor (you see, your mother was right when she told you to tidy up your bedroom!)

Meanwhile, the garden also took its revenge. Tree trunks caused 1,810 accidents, and bird baths went on the rampage, attacking 311 people - up from 117 victims in 1998. But the biggest danger was your wellington boots: 5,615 accidents.

In films, people always hide from danger in the bathroom, but that’s a dangerous option in real life. Toilet-roll holders alone accounted for 329 victims, while 787 people had to confront their sponge or loofah, and there were 73 talcum powder victims. But beware the clothes basket, which claimed 3,421 victims nationwide.

But it was in the kitchen that most people got injured. Tea cosies – woollen covers for tea pots to keep the tea hot – caused 37 injuries, compared with 20 the previous year; while placemat accidents were up from 157 to 165. Vegetables caused 13,132 incidents, while 91 accidents were caused by bread bins.

The deadly nature of these common household objects becomes clearer when you compare it with items people normally think are dangerous. Only 329 injuries were caused by meat cleavers, and only 439 caused by rat or mouse poison.

How can we explain all these horrors hiding in our homes? Perhaps the figures are explained by the fact that most of the injured people were children under five. And we all know that young children on wobbly legs will go to places and insert their fingers in places that even Lara Croft would have thought twice about risking…

Задания для аудирования к тексту №2:

11. Sofas appear to be more dangerous than chainsaws.

A.True B. False C. Not stated

12. Accident Surveillance System report was published in the New Scientist.

A.True B. False C. Not stated

13. There were reported more than five thousand accidents with trousers in a year.

A.True B. False C. Not stated

14. White trousers are more dangerous than black.

A.True B. False C. Not stated

15. Wellington boots are more dangerous than bird baths.

A.True B. False C. Not stated

16. The most dangerous things in the bathroom seem to be clothes baskets.

A.True B. False C. Not stated

17. Kitchens turn out to be relatively safe.

A.True B. False C. Not stated

18. Big kitchens are safer than small ones.

A.True B. False C. Not stated

19. People are more careful with such things as knifes.

A.True B. False C. Not stated

20. Most injured people were five year old children .

A.True B. False C. Not stated
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